WELCOME to Ichabod High School, where humans and mythical creatures study in harmony! Here at Ichabod High School, prom is the most highlighted event of the year. It’s not just any prom; it’s where the werewolves, vampires, zombies, and ghosts ask out the human ladies to be partners for life! The women here are selected in their early years, as the male population has trouble living without a mate. No insult to the boys; some have been proven to live happily in solitude, but that is a rare observation. I don’t quite understand why the males are the only ones that have these “mutations”, but I suppose that’s only because that’s how it is in Mystic Earth.
There are at exactly twenty werewolves, twelve vampires, six ghosts, and three zombies this year—last year we had an overpopulation of vampires. That wasn’t a pretty sight because the vampires, in desperation of getting a date, began biting the other fellow male students, resulting in them being expelled and sent to the juvenile detention center located in Crater Valley. Anyway, after a boy choses the lady of his choice, they each have a week to know each other before prom night.
I suppose I am pleased with this year’s harvest—most of the boys are really sweet and I am certain Wally Fangs will ask me out. He’s a lovely vampire with bright red eyes and the most deliciously long fangs—hence his last name. He and I get along, and I’m the only one who knows his blood type beverage. I hope he asks me out, as I’m sure we’ll look quite radiant out on the dance floor.
I’m not fond of the werewolves. They’re surly and narcissistic. The cheerleaders like to be seen with the werewolves because they’re strong and “manly,” though their intelligence is no higher than a rock.
The ghosts are the most likable of the whole horde, I suppose. They’re the most romantic ones, always trying to find ways to win the girl they love. Sadly, on the night of prom, some tend to get so excited that they disappear completely, leaving their date dateless. The ghosts don’t go anywhere when they disappear; they’ve just fainted—for a very long time. You see, the ghosts here are tangible when they’re not asleep or fainted, but they do glow in shades of red, blue, green, or yellow. I wouldn’t mind being asked out by a ghost. They’re very nice and they love surprising their ladies, too!
The zombies are nice boys, but the girls don’t like going out with them after last year’s frightening incident. What happened was poor Carly Curly had her lips chewed off because her zombie date had a sudden burst of hunger. It was very, very tragic. You see, zombies are hard to control; you always have to make sure they don’t nibble a hand or chomp off a face, so to prevent such actions you have to order a custom muzzle. I suppose you can say they’re not “domestic” or “tame”—not to mention that they’re not the most attractive ones either!
I’m a junior at Ichabod, the grade where we ladies are allowed to be taken to prom. I am very excited! I have already selected a dress, shoes, jewelry, and Wally Fang’s favorite perfume: Crimson Lilac. I am almost certain he’ll ask me out. He had subtly hinted yesterday that he can’t wait to see my “prom dress.” However, I am aware that he could easily ask out Ms. Andrea Puttrid, the beauty queen, who’s rich, talented, smart, and has a charismatic personality, but then again, she doesn’t know Wally half as well as I do. The prom is tomorrow night, and today is the day where all the boys must ask out a girl, so there’ll be no one left out.
Oh, I get chills just thinking of Wally approaching me with a red rose and a string of emeralds (each boy is required to choose a flower and a piece of jewelry before asking out a lady) and saying, “Veronica Zeverly, will you be my date to the Enchanting Prom World of Ichabod’s Lavish Realm of Delightful Young People?” How amazing would it be if he made my dream come true! If he doesn’t ask me, I’d rather go alone, but Chief Invisible requires that every student present has a date.

De TodoA collection of uncompleted, unedited stories written by E. K. Sloyer between the years 2011 - to present. They will all contain of prologues or first chapters.