First Year, Part 3 (The Grand Feast)

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I looked down at the table. It was suddenly lined with all kinds of food. All the plates that had been empty only seconds before were now filled with all varieties of food. The students immediately began eating in delight.

I looked down at my plate. I didn't feel hungry at all, but I picked up my fork, spooning mashed potatoes into my mouth slowly, merely for something I could do with myself. The food was delicious.

All the students around me had begun to talk to each other; the first years introduced themselves to each other and started laughing and talking amongst themselves like they'd known each other long before today. No one tried to introduce themselves to me though, and I didn't introduce myself to anyone either. I felt too nervous and too self-conscious.

The boy named Sirius Black, who had been sitting next to me, in the beginning, had gotten up and went to sit by James, Peter, and Remus as soon as the feast had begun.

James had tried to sit with the redheaded girl, Lily, but she had gotten up and sat next to a brown-haired girl named Alice something. They had immediately begun talking and laughing together.

All the students sat close together, but the two students who were seated on either side of me were sitting as far from me as they could, talking to the children next to them.

I felt like crying, but I kept an emotionless mask plastered on my face as I ate.

Half way through the meal the ghosts which we had met earlier all came into the great hall, flying about and talking to the students.
A brown haired boy suddenly came over, seating himself next to me. He looked like he was a First-year student, and he looked a bit nervous.
I noticed he had a combination of a Pink, blue, and orange. Cloud that surrounded him; Tenderness. Caring, smart, courage, and humor

"Hello," he said, smiling timidly at me, "my name's Frank Longbottom. What's your name?"
I looked at him surprised that he was talking to me.
"My name is Alexa Carrington," I replied quietly.

"Why are you all alone over here, if you don't mind me asking, Alexa,?" He asked. He genuinely seemed to want to know the answer. It didn't appear he was trying to be mean by asking.

"No one seems to like me," I replied honestly. My bottom lip began to tremble, and I looked down at my lap, "I think the other children think I'm strange, or they're scared of me, you know, because of my eye and my leg. I'm surprised you're talking to me, Frank."

Frank shrugged and seemed to relax a little.
"You looked like you could use a friend, and I would like to be just that." He said smiling.
"Besides, I think your eyes are quite lovely. They're not the usual, and that's what makes them look so unique."

"Thank you," I said, beaming up at him. I don't know if he meant it, but it was nice of him to say nonetheless. "That's the kindest thing anyone had ever said to me. I would like to be your friend too, Frank."
He smiled back at me and held out his hand to shake.
I took his hand.
"Friends then?" He said.
I nodded my head emphatically,
"Friends," I said, smiling.

"You gonna eat those?" he asked, pointing to the two rolls on my plate.
"No," I said, "I'm not very hungry. You can have them if you want."
Frank grabbed the rolls from my plate and bit into one.
"Mmm, the food here is delicious!" he said between mouthfuls.
I laughed as he stuffed the second roll whole into his mouth, his cheeks bulging.

After we all got done eating, the plates all cleared themselves and became sparkling clean again.
Then a long row of all kinds of desserts appeared. There were all sorts of cakes, ice creams of every flavor imaginable, puddings, Jell-O, doughnuts, and a lot of things I didn't even recognize.

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