First Year, Part 17 (The New Patient)

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At lunchtime the next morning, Aileen came and told me she had only found one book that may be useful in the hour of searching she had done in the library that morning.

The book was named 'Strange Powers & Uncommon Abilities.' Aileen said she had no idea if it would be useful or not, but it sounded promising. She gave me the book to read while I was stuck here in the Hospital Wing and said she would keep looking for other books.

Aileen had stayed only a few minutes, promptly leaving when Frank showed up.

The two bumped shoulders, both glaring at the other, as Aileen departed, and neither apologized for doing so.
I could understand Aileen's coldness towards Frank; She was like that with most everyone, especially Gryffindors. But, it wasn't like Frank to be so rude to anyone. Even a Slytherin.

"How are you doing," Frank asked as he sat down on the edge of my bed. "Here," he leaned over and handed me a pile of small rice cakes. "I brought you some rice cakes from breakfast. They're Apple Cinnamon, your favorite."

"Thank you," I said, placing them in my lap. "They rarely have this kind at breakfast. I don't know why though, it's much better than Banana."

I nibbled on them thoughtfully before answering his question.

"I'm doing better," I said, "I don't get as dizzy when I stand up anymore, only a little lightheaded. Madam Pomfrey thinks I'll be just like new in a day or two."

"That's great," Frank said, "For a while there, you had me and your friend real worried."

I laughed lightly "Who? Aileen? She doesn't strike me as the type to worry about much."

"Well," He said, "The girl has a face carved from stone, so I couldn't really tell what she was feeling. Unless she was annoyed or mad. Those two emotions seem to be the only facial expressions she has. Why are you friends with her, anyway? She doesn't strike me as the type of person you'd be friends with."

"She's not like that once' you get to know her," I said, quick to defend her, "She's only like that to people she doesn't know. Besides, she has a thing against most Gryffindors. You know how Slytherins and Gryffindors are with each other. Don't take it personally."

"I guess," he said dismissively, leaning back against the bed frame. "Anyway, guess what James and Sirius did?"

"James Potter and Sirius Black?" I asked. "Two of the rudest boys I've ever met? What prank did they pull this time?"
I asked, knowing already that it had something to do with Filch from the snippets of conversation Aileen and I had heard the other night between the two boys. I still didn't understand how we hadn't seen them but had heard them clear as day.

"They duck-taped Filch to his bed," Frank said, a large grin appearing on his face. "And then dyed his hair bright red. They also dyed Mrs. Noris's fur a bright pink color."

"How did they manage that?" I asked. "Don't you think Filch would wake up if someone was taping him to his bed and dying his hair? I know I would."

"I don't know how they did it," Frank said. "The pair won't confess that they're the ones who did it. They blamed the Prewet Twins."

"How do you know it was them and not the Prewet Twins?" I asked. "Gideon and Fabian would definitely do something like that."

"Because," Frank said, "Professor McGonagall cast a Reverse Spell on Sirius's and James's wands and the last spell they had used had been some kind of sleeping spell. She determined it was indeed them and they got two weeks worth of detention and had to apologize to Filch."

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