First Year, Part 15 (The Unexpected Outcome)

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"Cargem? What is all this?" The centaur, which I presumed to be Sharem's father, had a tone of voice that held authority in it. "What is going on here?"

"Father!" Sharem cried out in relief from where he sat against the tree.

"Who is that, Jhor?" Cargem asked calmly, ignoring Jhor's question and gesturing to Hagrid with his head.

"My name's Hagrid," Hagrid answered immediately.

"What is your business in the in this forest, Hagrid?"

"Cargem," Jhor said sharply, "Answer the question. What is going on here?"

"Whatever do you mean, brother?" Cargem asked, turning his attention to his brother and twirling the blade in his hand. "Sharem and I were just taking a little walk through the forest."

"Why is my son bleeding, Cargem?" Jhor's voice held an edge of steel in it. "Did you cut him with that?" Jhor asked, pointing to the blade in Cargem's hand.

"Of course not," Cargem replied, feigning shock. "We found this blade just lying here on the ground. When Sharem went to pick it up, he cut himself, that is all." Cargem turned to Sharem. "Is not that right, Sharem?"

Sharem shook his head.

"No, father. He did cut me. He is trying to use me for some ritual."

Cargem's mouth dropped open in surprise. I could tell He had expected Sharem to agree, to do anything to please him. I could see the understanding dawning on his face.

Sharem stood and began to move toward his father, but was flung back as soon as he tried to step out of the circle Cargem had created around him. He let out a groan of pain as he hit the tree trunk.

"The boy is clearly confused," Cargem said, regaining his composure. "Maybe the blade had something on it to make his brain go a bit foggy."

"Liar," Sharem said, standing unsteadily. "Father, do not believe him. He is lying to you."

Jhor gave Cargem a confused look.

"Why?" He asked. "Why would you do this?"

"I did not-" Cargem started, but Jhor cut him off.

"Stop lying to me, Cargem!" He snapped. "I saw it with my own eyes. Do you know what I will have to have done to you for this?" Jhor looked pained.

Cargem's innocent expression faded, and he sighed.

"I did not want to have to do this, brother," he said. "But you give me no choice. Hagrid? You know what I want to be done."

Jhor frowned in confusion, as did I. What was Cargem talking about?

From behind Jhor, Hagrid raised his arms high and then brought his large fists down onto Jhors head. Jhor slumped to the ground and lay still.

I stared at Hagrid from behind the tree, my mouth hanging open. What was wrong with Hagrid? Why- It suddenly came to me. Cargem had control over him. That fast.

Cargem sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. He turned back to Sharem.

"I am disappointed in you, Sharem," He said, glaring down at Sharem. "Now, let us get this over with, shall we?"

Sharem looked like he was about to say something, but then I saw his eyes get a glazed look, and he nodded his head in agreement.

I glanced at Hagrid and saw he, too, had that same glazed over look in his eyes. Cargem had control on both of them.

"Aileen," I thought desperately, bringing the sticks I still had in my hand to my lips. "I think it's time we light those sticks."

No sooner had I said this then I heard Aileen mutter a spell under her breath and I felt my body go rigid as I fell the ground, the sticks rolling out of my hand. It took me a second to realize Aileen had cast the Body-Binding curse. On me. From head to toe, I was completely paralyzed.

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