First Year, Part 13 (The Christmas Gift)

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Throughout lunchtime, the next day, Aileen and I discussed how we planned to bring up the subject of Sharem to Hagrid. We decided we would go talk to him in his hut because we didn't want the professors or students to overhear us talking about it in the castle.

As soon as we finished eating lunch, we bundled up and went outside.

Hagrid's small, shabby hut was located on the edge of the forbidden forest, and a few chopped down pines lay beside the house.

We reached Hagrid's door and I knocked softly. After a moment of waiting, I knocked again, louder.

The door opened slowly and Hagrid stood before us. Hagrid was huge, much bigger up close. He was at least ten feet tall, and more than twice as wide. I had to crane my neck to look up at him.

Hagrid stood in the doorway, looking around for whoever had knocked.

"Hagrid?" I asked.

He looked down, letting out a surprised sound when he saw us.

"Oh, there yeh are. Sorry 'bout that. Wha' can I do fer yeh?"

"We need your help," Aileen said. "We need to talk to you. Can we come in?"

Hagrid looked confused, scratching his head, but after a second motioned for us to come inside.

I stepped inside the warm hut, glancing around me. Empty cages were everywhere, and the table was littered with weird contraptions. Hams and pheasants hung from the ceiling, and a small fire crackled in the fireplace. In the corner stood a massive bed with a red patchwork quilt. It looked a bit odd, but it was cozy and warm.

"Would yer lik' some tea?" Hagrid asked, taking a kettle of boiling water from the fireplace.

"If it's no trouble," I said. "Thank you."

Hagrid poured the hot water into two mugs, and handed one to each of us, motioning for us to sit down at a small table.

"So, wha' is it yer wanted ter talk ter me abou'?"

"Well," I said, setting the mug of steaming tea down on the table. "We need your help, Hagrid. But, we need you to promise not to tell anyone."

"My help? With wha'? I'ma tellin' yer right now, I'ma no' all tha' good at keepin' secrets."

"We know how much you love magical creatures, Hagrid," I started. "So if one was in danger, we thought you'd help us help it."

"That's right," Aileen agreed. "But, in order for us to help it, we need your help. But we can't help it if you tell anyone about this because then we would be in huge trouble. Do you understand?"

"Er, I think so," Hagrid said, though he looked quite confused.

"So will you promise not to tell?" Aileen asked.

"Now, I can' be makin' any promises," Hagrid said, "I told yer, I'm no' good at keepin' secrets."

"Will you at least try to keep it a secret?" I asked.

"Alrigh'," Hagrid said. "But don' say I didn' warn yer,""

Well, it all started on Thursday..." Aileen started. We told Hagrid everything, Aileen and I taking turns to tell the story. When we finished telling Hagrid everything, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, waiting for Hagrid's reaction.

"So," I asked. "Will you help us?"

"Will you keep it a secret as well?" Aileen asked.

"Well, I don' know," Hagrid said thoughtfully. "Professor Dumbledore should know bou' this. It wouldn' be righ' ter hide a-"

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