Night 2 (Foxy)

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I have been bestowed the ability of no sleep! So I decided to write this.

I own nothing!




"Good night Renge," Haruhi said as politely as possible even though her patience was wearing thin, "I'll see you tomorrow." Renge had been trying to mother Haruhi because she was worried about leaving her there alone after Renge'd heard what happened the previous night.

"Are you sure? I mean I could stay and help out." Renge offered.

Haruhi resisted rolling her eyes, "Renge you need sleep. Go. I'll be fine."

With a cautious glance toward the computer screens, Renge nodded and left.

Haruhi took her seat once more, hoping that they wouldn't try anything again.

(0_0)(0_0)1 a.m.(0_0)(0_0)

Once again the door to the twins' room opened silently. It was just after the security guard had come through, so they knew he wouldn't find their door open for a while yet.

Hikaru and Kaoru nodded to each other before splitting up and heading in different directions.

They would scare this guard out of his job if it was the last thing they did.

Across the hall, in his own room, Kyoya smirked. He hadn't even needed to inform the twins to start playing with the new guard.

Then he thought back to the previous night. Whoever this guard was, they were determined. Kyoya felt sure that the twins would be fine.

But nevertheless, he lifted his phone and 9 on speed dial. This time it took a while to answer and no voice greeted him, "Foxy, it would seem that our friends will need some help tonight. They would most definitely like it if you could welcome our guest."


(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)2 a.m.(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)

Haruhi walked down the hallway, determined and angry. When she found those two she was going to kill them. The job was exhausting enough as it was, without them adding the extra stress of having to hunt them both down every night.

As she walked, Haruhi also checked the tablet to see if she could find them via security camera.

One hallway after another went by and Haruhi still hadn't seen hide or hair of the twins.

At least she hadn't until one of them jumped out at her and screamed in her face.

Without missing a beat she grabbed the boy, she didn't even care which one at the moment, and once again began dragging him to his room.

After throwing him in and closing the door she placed a second lock on the door.

(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)3 a.m.(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)

Takashi Morinozuka, aka Foxy or 'Mori', barely suppressed a smile as he saw the tiny security guard drag Kaoru to his room. Kaoru was easily two heads taller than the guard, but that didn't stop him from grabbing the band member's ear and dragging the poor boy.

He followed them for a while, to see what would happen. Mori had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing when he saw that the guard had placed a second lock on the door.

This guard was definitely smart. Most of them never figured out that you had to lock the doors after you find them, or they'll just leave again. Mori silently shook his head and went on with his plan.

(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)4 a.m.(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)

Haruhi glared at her watch. Her shift was almost over and she still hadn't found the second twin, not to mention the fact that she'd found a second door agar.

The second band member was probably who she occasionally saw running through halls.

Her thoughts were on who the third member could be when the twin she had been looking for jumped out and screamed in her face, much like his brother had done earlier.

The moment he stopped screaming she was dragging him back to his room, not at all caring if she was hurting his ear with the force of her pinching. He and his brother had once again wasted most of her shift making her look for them. In fact just thinking of it made her unconsciously pinch him harder.

(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)5 a.m.(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)

Mori had slipped around the house for two hours now, he wondered if the guard had even noticed he was out of bed. He inwardly smiled at the thought of scaring this new guy if they hadn't even noticed he was out of bed.

He was in the hallway leading back to the main security office. With any luck, the guard would ironically let his guard down when he was heading back to his office, and that's when Takashi would make his move.

He didn't have to wait long before he heard the guard's shoes echoing down the hall. To his surprise, the guard stopped three feet in front of Mori. 

The guard even called out to him, "This can go two ways, sir. You can quite crouching in that shadow and trying to scare me and walk with me back to your room or you can jump out scream at me and I can drag you back to your room by your ear. Either way, you're going back to your room.

With a sudden bout of curiosity, completely unlike him, Mori decided to find out if this guard was serious about the ear thing.

Before the guard could even take a breath Mori had jumped out and yelled.

The yell hadn't even died on his lips when he felt a pinching sensation on his ear. Suddenly he was being pulled forward in the direction of his room.

As he sat on his bed after having his own door slammed in his face, Mori only had one thought.

Why did that guy have to pinch his ear so hard!?

(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)6 a.m.(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)(0_0)

As Haruhi walked home, she was more awake and took in the scenery around her. It wasn't often that she was up in the early morning so she rarely got to see the city this peaceful. It was nice.

After reaching her apartment, Haruhi poured herself some instant coffee and prepared for a shower.

Feeling much cleaner Haruhi flopped on her bed and was out before a single thought could enter into her mind.


Night 2 is done!

Tell me what you guys think!

See ya guys next time!

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