Night 5 (Freddy)

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Technically this should be the final chapter, but if you all comment that you would like more I'll add an epilogue.

I own absolutely nothing!

Hope you enjoy!



Haruhi knew that tonight would be the most difficult night of them all. She didn't know why but she just had this feeling that tonight would be very long.

The cameras all showed a situation normal, but Haruhi still felt uneasy. The longer she watched them the more uneasy she felt.

Finally, she decided it would just be best to do the rounds a little early, and switch her sweep to every fifteen minutes instead of thirty.

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Tamaki (a.k.a. Freddy) stretched, and let out a large yawn. He was always happy to help his friends scare the latest security guard, but he really didn't like having to wake up so early, or late.

From what Kyoya had told him, the others were already out and about causing mischief and mayhem all around the house.

It's not that the band was overly mischievous, but having a guard posted all night, was a little ridiculous. Only a few die-hard fans ever tried to find where they lived and really only a handful of those ever found the exact spot, so there really wasn't a need for 24/7 guard posting.

At least that is what the entire group believed.

As it was Tamaki smiled as he stepped out of his room

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The three girls smiled as one. They were finally in the famous Freddy's house.

And now that they were in, they could start to cause some real damage.

From the moment they first saw Freddy's, they had hated the band. The band was just another 'hot boyband' that usually died out in a few years.

But beyond all reason, this band had been going strong for nearly a decade! It was ridiculous.

And it boiled the three girl's blood to see them still going so strong. But now they would finally have their revenge.

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Haruhi was angry now. Not only had she found all the bedrooms empty, but she had also found a window that had been opened from the outside.

So now, not only did she have to find the entire boy band, she also had to hunt down the rabid fangirl that had managed to find the place and was now loose in the house.

Just great.

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Huni had decided that, for tonight, it would be best if he stuck with Mori. They were currently sitting in the kitchen eating a sponge cake with strawberries.

Well, at least they were until three weird girls showed up and looked absolutely terrifying. In a split second decision, Mori picked up Huni and ran at the door, before any of the girls could do something. 

Mori ended up knocking the three girls over in his mad dash, and Huni would've shouted an apology to them if they hadn't broken into their house.

Mori kept running until he found the security guard, who didn't look very pleased to see them.

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