Night 3 (Balloon Boy)

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Won't Mitsukuni just make the most adorable Balloon Boy?!

I own nothing!




Haruhi sighed in content as she waved goodbye to Renge and took a long drink of her warm tea. As the hot liquid slid down her somewhat sore throat. It was only her third night and she had already had to switch from coffee to tea.

She sat down in her swivel chair and looked over the profile pages Renge had given her so that Haruhi could directly talk to whichever twin that was bothering her.

After thoroughly examining the profiles Haruhi smiled to herself, finally feeling like she might be able to finish out the rest of her five-night trial period.

*****1 a.m.*****

Silently a door swung open and a small boy stepped out. He wore a plain set of p.j.'s and tightly held a pink bunny in his arms.

Mitsukuni Haninozuka, or Balloon Boy/Huni, walked fearfully into the hallway. In the past two days, he'd heard all about the new night guard and how if he found them out of bed he'd drag them back to their rooms by their ears.

Huni really didn't want to be dragged back to his room by either of his ears. But he also really needed a drink. His voice had been bothering him for a while now.

So with a determined, if not scared, nod of his head, Huni walked to the kitchen on the first floor.

******2 a.m.******

Haruhi sighed as she continued to search the house for the missing band member.

She was just about to start heading for the third floor again when she heard something shatter in the kitchen. With a glance at her tablet, Haruhi let out a soft string of curses. For such a high-security place they really did need to fix their kitchen camera.

Now, much more apprehensive, Haruhi headed towards the kitchen. When she slammed the door open and quickly flipped the lights on, she was frozen in her tracks.

There was no doubt in her mind that he was part of the boy band, but he obviously wasn't trying to scare her into quitting. In fact, the poor boy looked like he thought she was going to kill him.

Haruhi relaxed, "What are you doing up so late?"

The boy still seemed scared but answered none the less, "I was getting a drink of water for my throat. It's been getting sore and I wasn't looking where I was going so I bumped into the cup and it fell and broke."

With a resigned sigh, Haruhi grabbed an excessively fancy cup and began to fill it with hot water.

After it was reasonably full, she pulled out a tea bag from her pocket. After letting it steep for a few minutes she pulled the soggy bag out of the water and added some honey and lemon juice to it.

She then handed it to the boy. "This should help your throat and help you get to sleep." He took a cautious sip of it, before deciding that he liked it.

Haruhi smiled, "Now, can I trust you to go straight back to your room or do I have to escort you back?"

"It's all right! I'll head straight back!"

*******3 a.m.*******

Kyoya watched the interactions of the guard and Huni with great interest. It would seem that the cold guard that dragged people back to their beds also had a soft spot. That could be useful.

Barely looking at his phone Kyoya sent a text message to the three he knew would be waiting for it.

From his dark room, Kyoya thought he could almost hear their doors creak open.

Three faces stared at each other, a silent conversation being held. Whatever was said must have been satisfactory, for all three left it with smiles on their faces.

Hikaru figured that since the long drawn out screams didn't scare the guard then maybe quick sneak attacks would.

He smiled devilishly as he set up his scheme.

Kaoru, however, believed that he just had to catch the guard when he wasn't expecting it. Right before his shift was over would be good.

He smiled devilishly as he lied in wait across from the guard's office.

Mori just wanted to thank him for helping Mitsukuni with his sore throat.

********4 a.m.********

Haruhi sighed as she rubbed her neck. After she'd made sure Mitsukuni was back in his room, she found out that the first three were missing. Again!


Haruhi looked up and saw Hikaru, but only for a moment, before he ran away. She blinked a few times before saying, "That was weird."

This happened multiple times before Haruhi let her temper get the better of her. The next time Hikaru jumped out at her, she didn't even wait for him to scream.

She grabbed by the ear and started marching him to his room.

After throwing him in his room Haruhi turned around and saw Mori. He didn't say anything and neither did she.

Mori did, however, look at Huni's door before looking back at her. He nodded and then went into his room.

Haruhi just shook her head at how weird all of the band members were.

*********5 a.m.*********

Kaoru grinned evilly to himself. He could hear the guard's footsteps. He had been hiding for a good while now and his legs were beginning to cramp, but he knew that the next moment would definitely be worth it.

As the guard was opening his office door Kaoru struck!


Fast as lightning, the guard whipped around and in a single moment, Kaoru was bending his head to lessen the pain in his ear as he was dragged back to his room.

After hearing the door slam Hikaru slid off the bed and next to his brother who was rubbing his ear and wincing in pain. "I told you he'd catch you."

"Like you can talk. He got you too or you wouldn't be in here."

"...Fair point."

**********6 a.m.**********

Haruhi sighed in relief as she flopped onto her couch, too tired to even make it to her room.

She had definitely run around that house more times that shift than the other two combined. But at least, she thought to herself, it was over for the night.

With that thought, Haruhi drifted off to sleep. Still in uniform and all.


Night 3 is finished!

Comment what you thought!

See ya next time!

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