Night 4 (The Puppet)

704 28 13

Is anyone really surprised that I would choose Kyoya to be the Puppet?

Gnihton nwo I!




Haruhi jumped in surprise when she saw Huni sitting in her swivel chair. "What are you doing here!?"

Huni just laughed and said, "I wanna help you on your shift tonight!"

Haruhi quietly sighed and relaxed against the door frame, "That's very kind but from what I've heard you have a very big day in the morning. Staying up with me will only make you cranky."

Haruhi was completely ready to send him back to his room, then Huni pulled out the puppy dog eyes. "Please let me help you?"

The longer he held those eyes the more Haruhi could feel her resolve crumbling.

"Only until two."


{((0_0))}{((0_0))}1 a.m.{((0_0))}{((0_0))}

Kyoya was acting unusual, even for himself. He wasn't at his laptop watching over the night's proceedings.

No, instead he was preparing himself to ensure that this 'Haruhi Fujioka' quit before his fifth night.

Despite the oddity of it, Kyoya found himself smiling. It truly had been quite a while since he was last active in the band's nocturnal pastime.

Hikaru slid out of his shared room silently, so as not to disturb the sick Kaoru. As he closed the door his eyes got a steely resolve.

He'd be going it alone tonight and he needed to bring his A game. That guard was going down.

Mori stared at the door in front of him. It was Huni's so it should be locked and the boy sleeping. But it wasn't and the room was deserted.

His normally stoic face was now creased with confusion. Where on earth could Huni be?

The confusion faded into worry and anger. This was not good.

{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}2 a.m.{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}

Haruhi let out a breath of relief as Huni's door clicked shut. Huni was a nice boy, but even after midnight, he had the energy of a five-year-old on a sugar high.

She looked down the hallway that contained the rooms of all six band members and decided to make sure that they were all still in bed.

Firstly, of course, she went to make sure that the twins were still there since they had caused the most trouble for her. Upon opening the door, she discovered that only one of the twins was still there, and on closer inspection, the one sleeping appeared to be sick. Hating the fact that she now felt responsible for them during the early morning, Haruhi sighed and quickly wrote down a good recipe for chicken soup, that would help with most any cold.

After closing the door, Haruhi walked over to Mori's room and quickly discovered that he too was missing.

Haruhi knew that Huni would still be in his room, so she went to check the last two.

The first one she tried remained locked, but the second door swung open easily. Haruhi groaned, knowing that even if Huni was asleep and one of the twins was out sick, she still had three missing band members to find and return to their rooms.

{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}3 a.m.{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}

Hikaru rubbed the spot on his butt where he'd landed after that guard had thrown him in his room again. For such a small man he sure is strong.

Hikaru stands up and notices something stuck on the door. It's a piece of paper, more specifically it's a recipe for chicken soup. He smiled maybe this guard wasn't so bad after all.

But that smile turned into a smirk as a thought passed through Hikaru's mind. Before he'd been captured, Hikaru would've sworn that he had seen Kyoya slinking around and he had definitely seen Mori on the warpath.

It didn't matter how nice the guard was turning out to be, after tonight he would be begging for a different job.

{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}4 a.m.{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}

Haruhi turned around, curious, to the sound she thought she'd heard. But nothing was there. Shaking her head she continued on her way through the mansion looking for the remaining two band members.

At one point she thought she saw one of them but by the time she was able to get a good look they were gone.

It wasn't enough to scare her, but it did put her on edge.

So imagine her surprise when she walks into the living room of the giant house and sees Mori digging around in the couch looking for something.

"Looking for something?"

He whipped around. When he saw it was her, his eyes narrowed and she would've sworn she heard him growl, "Where is he?"



"You mean the little one? He's in his room."

Then Haruhi narrowed her eyes, "Much like you should be."

Seeming to realize that he was standing in front of a security guard, Mori turned and tried to run. Keyword 'tried'. Haruhi reached out and grabbed his arm and began to drag him behind her.

{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}5 a.m.{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}

Kyoya would be the first to admit that this security guard was tougher than he'd first appeared.

He had been following the guard for the better part of the night, and he was definitely impressed by what he saw.

Not only had he gotten Hikaru back relatively quickly, but had also dragged Mori, someone at least twice his size, back to his respective room.

He had been expecting the guard to go back to his office and finish out his shift there, where Kyoya would then finish out his plan, but the guard surprised him.

Instead of heading back to his office, he spun around and glared right at Kyoya. "I don't know why you're following me, and I honestly don't care. Just come out now and you won't have to be humiliated."

Kyoya only rolled his eyes, there was nothing this guard could do to him. He heard a sigh and then felt two fingers grip his right ear, tightly. The guard pulled him into the light and said, "Now walk."

There really wasn't much choice in the matter as the guard started walking with his ear in tow. Kyoya would admit walking in such an embarrassing manner was humiliating, even if no one else was around to see it.

He was almost glad to see his room.

{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}6 a.m.{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}{((0_0))}

Haruhi happily waved to the morning shift as she walked out. On the way home she even stopped by a cafe and enjoyed a light breakfast.

After paying Haruhi couldn't help but grin. She was almost done!

One more night and she'd either have the job or she would happily refuse continuing the post.

Reaching her apartment the happiness oozed out of her as weariness took over. Second to last night or not it had been long and she needed sleep.

After changing into some p.j.'s her head it the pillow and she became dead to the world with a smile on her face.


This would be night 4 successfully finished!

Please comment on what you thought and what you think night 5 has in store.

See ya next time!

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