Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

Calliope's Point of view:

"A job?" Javier repeats, removing the blade from my neck.

I take a shaky breath and nod.

"I need you to help me kill someone." I state, in a strange way, I was glad he almost killed me. I now know he is definitely right for the job.

"Who do I need to kill?" Javier asks, resting his back against the dirty wall of the alley, not minding that he was wearing a very expensive looking suit.

"Many unimportant people, a few important ones." I couldn't make out his expression in the dark but I hoped he was at least considering it.

"Be more specific Calliope, who do you want dead" he urges me. I debate on what to say, the logical part of me wanted to stick with what Oracle told me and not mention the name of our target yet something told me that if I didn't give Javier a name he would walk away.

So I go with my gut "Michael Costello but I will be making that kill"

Javier snorts out a laugh "Have you ever killed before?"

"That's what you are here for Javier DeSantiago, you will teach me how to kill" I say through gritted teeth, his condescending laugh annoyed the hell out of me.

", I am not a teacher or a baby sitter. So tough luck sweetie but I pass" Javier starts to turn around but I grab his arm; In one swift motion I am slammed against the wall. Again.

"I suggest you let me be, you won't like what happens to you otherwise" he threatens his eyes holding a dangerous glint. But I refused to let it go.

I fake smile. "I will pretend that you didn't just threaten me twice and go ahead and lay out my offer. You will be given one million dollars when the job is done. Babysitting or not you will never get paid this amount of money unless you're killing a politician and in that case they would get someone specialized in that field to do the job so this is your last shot Javier, I have more people on the list"

He lets go of me, thinking things through. "Okay, fine."

I decide against asking anything else. "Meet me for breakfast here tomorrow morning. Here's my card" I reach into my clutch and grab a card with my name and phone number. " Call if you have any questions."

Not giving him another glance I walk back inside into the hotel casino, trying to find the last asset, Hunter Reed.

I picked Hunter Reed because out of all of the candidates he would be better at working under pressure and that is a must with this job, what if he is supposed to disable some security cameras but freaks out and gets us killed? I need someone like Hunter to get the job done.

Spotting Hunter wasn't hard, he was near the casino's entrance with a champagne flute on his hand. I almost drooled at the sight of him. He had gorgeous hazel eyes that stood out with his dark skin and I could tell he was packing underneath his navy blue suit.

I need to snap out of it, I just broke up with my fiancé, I don't need another man in my life.

He appeared to be the most normal out of the bunch, easy gong smile he acted as if he genuinely enjoyed human interaction. Selene only liked attention and Javier was just cold.

Walking to where Hunter is standing I smile. "I have a proposition for you, mind taking a walk with me?"

He grins "Sure thing but just so you know, I'm not a gigolo" I choke on my saliva and start having a coughing fit.

"What? No! that is not what I meant" Hunter laughs uncontrollably as I stuttered out an explanation.

I hated how good looking people had that effect on normal looking people.

"Relax, I was only kidding." He smiles once again. "May I know your name?"

He links his arm through my elbow as he walks by my side "My name's Calliope" As I talked I steered him to the less crowded area. "I'm guessing you already know me since you said you had a proposition...or was that just an excuse to get me alone?"

I look around, making sure we were far enough nobody could hear our conversation. "It wasn't an excuse, I need to hire you to be my hacker...among other things" as soon as that sentence left my mouth his whole façade changed. He looked guarded and not at all friendly.

"I see" he acknowledges my words. "What exactly would I have to do?"

"Hack into security systems, tracking people, fake ID's...anything that needs to be done through a computer." I reply. "Don't make a decision now, sleep on it. Give me an answer tomorrow" I hand him the card.

"Okay" is all Hunter says before walking away. I stare at his retreating figure.

Now that I had successfully laid out my offers, all I really needed to do was get out of this dress and drink myself to sleep. Of course even that wouldn't be an easy task, as I neared the back exit I come face to face with Javier DeSantiago who grins at me "I always make a mess at parties" then he just continues on walking, paying no attention to my confused expression.

Deciding that I just didn't care what he was referring to, I continue on my way through the back door I see the creepy man I encountered in the elevator earlier today laying on the floor. His throat had been slit ear to ear and that's when I realized that was the mess Javier was talking about.

A million thoughts were going through my head as I stared at the crime scene in front of me. But one was more overwhelming than the others, and it was the one that was telling me to get the hell out of here before someone sees me. And so just as casually as I walked in I turned around to the other exit I had only taken about 15 steps when I heard a bloodcurdling scream of a woman behind me. Knowing the reason of the scream was the dead body I wasn't alarmed but I did walk faster because I was definitely not getting in the middle of this.

After managing to leave the casino, I went to my hotel room to try and take a relaxing two hour bath, as I did I thought back to my interactions with Selene, Hunter and Javier. when I was done I grabbed the extremely soft hotel robe. My plan was to order a bottle of tequila to my room and just enjoy the rest of the night; those plans were put on hold when I notice a beautifully decorated beige box wrapped with a satin gold ribbon on top of the bed.

I untie the gold ribbon and open the box; Inside were two very helpful things.

A gun and another letter from Oracle.


So guys!!! How are you liking the story so far? Tell me what you think, do you think Calliope made the right choice to leave her fiancé and old life behind to get revenge? Would you have done it?

Also don't forget it only takes 0.1 seconds to votes and a couple more to comment and share. So pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee do it for me...

I also apologize for the short chapter, it's currently really late and I need to sleep.

Until next time I still don't have a sign off byeeeeeeeee


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