That morning you wake up with Ryan laying next to you your face turns really red. You try to wake him up but he ends up putting his arm around you pulling you closer as he sleeping.
"Ryan please wake up.RYAN!!"
Ryan runs his eyes as he sees you in his arms his face gets red fast. "Ya I'm up so umm Rebecca do you maybe want to go walk around and hang out today."You where shocked to hear him ask that this earlier in the morning or at all. You look at him nodding your head "yes I would we are friends after all I just have to get ready, so get out of my room."
As he leaves your room there was a noise from your window you open it but there was nothing there then you see a note attached to the window saying-
"Rebecca I love you and someone is in the way of are love I will make you mine no matter what it takes no one will ever be able to harm you when your with me."
You look shocked you get dressed and put the note in your purse. You go down to Ryan as he changed into some of your brothers clothes. You look at him worried but you don't tell him about the note you just smile as you head to the door.
As you guys walked around town some guy in a hoodie bumped you making to fall scraping your kneecap and making your hand bleed a little. Ryan looks at the detection the guy was going in but he could not see him as his face starts to show anger. Ryan picks you up and takes you to a local restaurant as you sit down he sits next to you as you pull out your bandages in your purse, and he raps you up."Are you feeling ok Rebecca I promise that guy will pay." you look at him laughing " no Ryan he doesn't it was just a accident let it be I'm fine." Ryan smiles as he puts his hand on your head as you mumble so rayan can't hear what you say "or at least I think it was a accident."
Later that day you and Ryan where at the park as he looked at you worried " Rebecca are you ok something is bothering you I have known you for a long time now it's ok tell me what it is."
You look at him not wanting to tell him as you just start crying " I don't know if I am Ryan."With Ryan's guard down four men and a guy in a hoodie came up behind us the four men hold Ryan back. The guy in the hood was holding you in his arms to where you can't move as he gives you a shot in the arm you fall asleep.
The guy in the hoodie looks at Ryan saying " you should have not fallen for her and try to make a move all the school bully's know this but you why do you think they don't mess with you when she's around."
Ryan looks at the guy in anger " don't hurt her what ever you do if you do I will make you pay."As the guy looks at Ryan laughing " I would never hurt her I love her I would only hurt her if she does something wrong, so say good bye this is the last time you will ever see her."
The guy in the hood drags you to a car as the four guys knock Ryan out cold on the ground as the men take you to your new home as they kidnap you.

The Boy who almost got away with it
Romance-Don't complain about spelling plz I know I'm bad at it sometimes -The story starts at school and will be going in to a grate plot but I don't want to say to much to ruin the story - if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them - I will...