Ryans Pov for chater Y...you...

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After a few hours Ryan woke up to Zoey gaming him screaming "Ryan what happened are you ok" he grabs Zoeys arm crying "someone took Rebecca away from me they jumped us."

She pats Ryan's back as she calls Mark, Ramona , and Jack. As everyone comes but Mark, there was a txt from him to the group

"my dad had a trip for me to take so I'll be gone for awhile I hope I can be back soon"
As Zoey tells him what's going on he doesn't seem to reply. Ryan says to everyone "don't worry I will look for her because I love her and how ever did this will pay."

As Ryan gets up slowly as everybody around a head to make sure he don't fall he walks to his house and calls up his men and tell them what happened. As his men get angry cuz they hurt Ryan they start looking at every possible place. Ryan grabs a picture he has of Rebecca and puts it in his pocket so he feels close to her saying

"Please be okay Rebecca I am on my way to save you."
As time past a shock came to Ryan as he wishes something just happened to Rebecca

As he yells at his men "Hurry up something is happening to her."

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