As you wake up at the place you where taken you where in a small room a window that had no way to open it. A queen size bed with a blue blanket on it and a tv at the end of the bed with photos of you on the walls . A speaker in the corner of the room a closet ,a bathroom and the door to leave the room.
It was pretty nice room it was cute but you did not care all you thought about is how you had to get back to your friends. As you try to open the door the speaker came on with a mans voice saying
" ah my love your awake I am sry that we hurt you a little but we had to so we could save you from that monster, you may be wounding why I brought you here well that's because I need to protect you until I know you will be same and finally love me."
As the handle giggles and it opens you see your friend mark as you smile in tears saying " your hear I'm glad I know I am not alone"
He smirks as he pins you to the bed saying " no your wrong I'm the one who brought you here you feel for him when I have loved you ever since we where young."Your eyes widened in fear as you try to get free from him holding you down.
" I am not letting go Rebecca I have lied to you about a lot of things like how you are stronger then me, I just pretend so if I need to I could do this one day with out you getting away."
You tremble as he says "you can leave this room by your self if you promise to be have and not to leave me, but if you do we can't leave you alone." You node your head yes in fear even though in your mind you want to say no.
"Oh and you must have sex with me sometimes within this week or else someone will get hurt because of you." You scream out no as he lets you go saying " then you will learn the hard way love." He kiss you and walks out.You look outside to look at the sky thinking about Ryan.
As time that day past you went to your closet and you put on a little pick strait dress and walk out your room to explore the place.
The place was huge as you wonder around you end up going into Marks room looking around. you look at the direction of his bathroom and you see mark getting change as you see his penis you want to look away but you can't even tho it was not your first time seeing it. Your face got really red as you got flustered you walk towards the door as mark sees you saying "why are you here Rebecca did you need something."You turn around as he sees you blushing as he figures out why your red he gets closer to you saying "it's just for you it always has been and no one will get in the way and if they do I'll have to do something to them."
You tremble as you get more flustered and he pets your head saying "let me show you around."

The Boy who almost got away with it
Romance-Don't complain about spelling plz I know I'm bad at it sometimes -The story starts at school and will be going in to a grate plot but I don't want to say to much to ruin the story - if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them - I will...