Chapter 14

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Louis POV

After I said stop Harry immediately froze and looked up at me. "You want me to stop?" He asked, sounding confused. To be honest, I was pretty confused myself. When had I ever wanted someone attractive to not have sex with me?

"N-No keep going." I whimpered. I thought I really wanted this, I did really want this but why did I say stop then?

"Louis, if you really wanted me to keep going you wouldn't have told me to stop in the first place." Harry gave me a look. "Don't think you have to have sex with me. I enjoy your company, not just your body. Even though it is very nice."

The things Harry was saying just made me want to have sex with him more. But something inside me didn't want to have sex with him just yet. Something inside me wanted sex with Harry to be meaningful, not just casual.

"Okay, I just don't want to have sex with you right now, I guess? Like when we have sex I want it to mean something you know?" I explained and Harry nodded, climbing off of me.

"I'm actually kind of glad you said that." Harry said.

I furrowed my brows."Why?"

"Well apart of me still thought you just wanted to date me so I'd have sex with you and then you'd dump me. But if that was true you wouldn't have stopped me, you would've let me keep going." Harry explained.

Harry didn't trust that I was dating him for him? That hurt. Even though technically he was right.

"Of course I'm not just dating you for sex. I really like you Harry." I smiled.

"I really like you too, Lou." He smiled back and kissed my forehead. It was a small gesture but it still made my heart melt. It concerned me, why did I feel like this with Harry? Nobody was able to make me feel this way except him and that was bad, really bad. "Oh by the way, I have something for you."

I couldn't help but smile, "Really, what?" He reached into his pocket and handed me one thousand and fifteen pounds. I gasped, "Harry, what is this?"

"Well, I was able to convince Josh to pay one fifty each person for the gang bang. After I beat the crap out of them I took the money. I thought you deserved half of the money." Harry said.

"Damn, how much was he going to pay me?" I asked.

"Only ten dollars each. Can you believe that? I should've charged more." He grumbled, it was cute even though he was trying to sound furious. I never really described someone as cute, it was always hot or sexy so why did I think Harry was cute?

"Well thank you for this." I smiled.

"It's no big deal, you deserve some of the money for what you endured from those jack asses." Harry stroked my arm gently, causing goosebumps to form where he had merely touched.

"No, not just the money." I shook my head. "For being here for me and doing what you did to them, no one has ever been this great to me."

"Well you're welcome for giving you what you deserve." He said. "You deserve to be treated like a princess because that's exactly what you are."

"Remember when you used to call me princess as an insult." I giggled.

"Shut up." He muttered as he climbed on top of me again and began to attack my face with kisses.

I giggled again, "Stop! Stop!"

He rose up, "Never. I will never stop showing you endless support and affection." He said before resuming his attack. Fuck was that adorable.

My heart practically melted as he continued, I just kept laughing and wiggling under his grasp. "Okay, okay! Stop! I can't breathe." I laughed out.

He finally let up and flopped on the couch next to me. "What time is it?" He asked.

"Um, five ten." I said.

"Shit, I've gotta get back to the school before they close for the day so I can get my phone out of my locker." He cursed standing up. "I'll see you tomorrow okay? Call me if you need anything." He rushed out quickly as he kissed my lips.

"Bye." I said faintly, though he was already out the door. Not long after he left, Zayn came by which didn't surprise me in the slightest considering he usually came by after school, especially when I hadn't been there.

"Hey, I heard you left early. You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." I smiled and it was true. I was fine now, Harry had managed to make all of my problems wash away. How could a single person manage to make painful memories disappear? When I've gotten like this in the past it took me a week or so to recover and Harry was able to help me recover in a couple hours.

"Good, Liam was frantic cause Harry left to go after you and he wasn't answering his calls and didn't come back." Zayn said as he flopped down on my couch, where Harry had once been.

"And liam was talking to you about this because?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Liam despised him and me, why would he be talking about me to him?

"Because he can't resist me." Zayn smirked and I gave him a look, that wasn't the reason. "Or maybe because Harry wasn't there for him to talk to him about it." He mumbled, his whole ego deflating.

"That sounds more accurate." I said. "But let Liam know everything is okay, Harry came here. He left not too long ago, he had to go get his phone which he left in his locker."

"Oh I'll text him right now." Zayn said as he pulled his phone out. "Damn Harry left school, without his phone mind you, to rush to your side. Once this bet is over I might just take Harry from you." Zayn chuckled and my smile faded.

This bet would be over. Whether Zayn won or I did, it would end. And when it does, I will lose Harry in the end. Now I didn't want to lose Harry, I actually wanted him as my boyfriend. Losing him wasn't whatever anymore, losing him was catastrophic.

The realization hit me, I cared about Harry. I cared about him a lot. So much I didn't want to have sex with him until I knew it would mean something to both of us. So much that the little things he did meant the world to me. So much he managed to make my issues disappear into thin air just with his presence. So much that the thought of him no longer being in my life made my stomach churn.

There was no way that this couldn't end without Harry hating me either, in order to win the bet I'd end up breaking his heart in the process. And breaking Harry's heart would break my own.

The realization then dawned on me. The plan was to make Harry fall in love with me but now I was falling with him, more or as equally as much as he was with me.

Well fuck.


A/n: today is my birthday but I wanted to give you guys gifts. Unfortunately I don't have your addresses and I'm too broke to buy you anything so I hope updates for all my stories and a new story will suffice. Love you xoxo

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