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A continuous void begins expanding;
collecting the lost;
never to be re-found.
Falling short, yet close enough to slip through,
Gone forever.
Slowly sinking into another life.
looking back,
With each step forward,
Destined to hit a wall,
In need of closure,
But your out of reach.

Forced to move on,
One by one
whoever's left behind seems to
drop off the face of the earth.

Standing alone,
I keep reaching out like a record on repeat
but my grasp never seems to hold and the record seems unsteady.

As each day passes nothing seems to change,
I can still feel the drifting.

As time fly's by can you remember the sound of my voice?
I'm still screaming out hoping someday you'll listen.

Going back to the same three places I hope you'll show up at my door.
But that's all just a fairytale,
A dream from a movie.
And I understand I'm not the one you care for.
Just another glitch in this world
The both of us.
I pray someday you'll make it.
as for me I'll stay trailing
waiting on someone that I'll never be with.

Another time vol.2Where stories live. Discover now