Leaving For Fairy Tail Ch.1

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Before the chapter starts I just wanted to say that this chapter is edited so if you have read it before I would like it if you reread it. Anyway on to the story.

July 6 X777 Three years Later

No ones Pov:

Anna was outside training with Iris who was in her human form. While Nixie was on the side watching. "Anna re-quip into one of your dragon armor's now " Iris yelled out. "Right here I go. RE-QUIP FIRE DRAGON ARMOR." Anna yelled out. After Anna re-quiped she was in a beautiful red and orange armor that had dragon wings and horns with fire surrounding her. "Well done my child" she said proudly. Anna re-quip back into her regular clothes and smiles. "Yeah Anna that was awesome" Nixie said happily. "Thanks" Anna says with a smile. "My child you have mastered your re-quip magic which is good and bad" Iris states. "What do you mean good and bad" Anna asks. "It is good because you have finished your magic studies and training, but bad because your body can not withstand all the different magics you have learned" she says sadly. "What happens if something isn't done about the powers" Nixie asks worried. "If her magic power is not sealed the magic will slowly kill her. She wouldn't live to be 8" she states sadly. "So if I seal my magic I won't be able to use it anymore" Anna asks having tears in her eyes. "No your magic will only be sealed until your body is strong enough to handle it and I will only be sealing most of it. You will still have the first two magics you learned, water and healing, but they will be weaker" she says. "Okay lets get it over with" Anna says. After Iris sealed Anna's magic away Anna sat on the ground. "It feels weird to not have all my magic "Anna says. "Yes ,but there is something I must tell you and Nixie " she says. "What is it mom" Anna asks while looking up at Iris. Nixie stands up and walks to Anna and sits down. "There will be a day were I will have to leave you both" she says with a frown. "What are you talking about you can't leave us" Anna and Nixie yell crying. "I'm sorry but I have to, but when that day comes I want you both to be strong and move on in life. You have to promise me that you won't waste your life looking for me because even if you can't see me I will always be with you" she says with a sad smile. "We promise" Anna and Nixie say while crying. Anna stands up and hugs Iris. "Come on girls I think it's time for bed" she tells them. "Okay good night mom"Anna and Nixie say sleepily. "Good night my Dragon Princess and Guardian Wolf" she says sadly. Iris stands up and walks outside the cave. "I hate to leave them but I have no choice " she says to herself. Iris walks back inside the cave and and starts writing on a piece of paper. After she finishes writing she puts it and a map along with a small box in a basket. She puts the basket by Anna and walks out the cave but not before saying one last thing. "I love you my Dragon Princess. Good bye"she said and left.

~~The next morning~~

Anna's Pov:

I wake up and only find Nixie beside me. "Iris where are you" I call out for her. "Anna why are you yelling" Nixie asks as she yawns. "I can't find mom. Come on get up we have to find her" I say as I stand up. When I stand up my foot hits something. "Huh" I say in confusion. I look down and see a basket. I open the basket and find a small box, map, and a letter. "Anna what are you holding" Nixie asks. "It's a letter, a letter from Iris" I say with tears in the corner of my eyes. "Well read it" she says impatiently. I nod my head and start reading it out loud.

My dearest Anna and Nixie,
I hate to have left you so soon. It was the hardest thing for me to do because I love you both so much. I was a dragon that had given up on humans that is until I meet you Anna. For the first time in a long time you were the first human to not fear me instead you showed me what love and happiness was and I will forever be grateful to you for that. I was so lucky to have you in my life. That is why it was so hard for me to leave you because for the first time I had a family, love, and happiness, but I had to leave to keep you both safe. My last request is for you to join a guild called Fairy Tail in Magnolia. I want you to be happy and enjoy life. Show them the same love and happiness you showed me because they will be your new family. Nixie I want you to always stay by Anna's side and always protect her. I know you both can do it your both strong. My last gift to you is a bracelet on it is a dragon in the shape of a heart and when you meet someone important to you a new charm will be added, but this good bye for now.
I Love You,
My Dragon Princess
and Guardian Wolf
After I finished reading the letter we both were on the ground in tears. I start to wipe my tears and stand up. I take the bracelet and put it on. I look at Nixie and hug her. "Come on Nixie we have to do what Iris wanted us to do" I whisper to her. "Yea you're right lets go"she says standing up. I grab a bag and put some food and blankets in it. We start to walk out the cave when I look at my bracelet and smiled. It had new charm on it , a howling wolf.
"Fairy Tail here we come " I yell out. "Yay" Nixie cheered. We're on our to our new family and this is just the beginning of our story.

-Hi Anna Rose here I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget to comment your favorite part.
Nixie will you do the honor.

Nixie: I would love too. Fairy Tail doesn't belong to Anna it belongs to Hiro Mashima. The only things that belongs to Anna are her characters and her twist to the story line.

Thanks Nixie. Until Next Time Bye.

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