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Hi my name is Anna Rose a proud member of Fairy Tail. I've
been in Fairy Tail since I was 7 and now I'm 21. I guess you want to know how I got to Fairy tail. Well lets start my story.

~~ Story Begins~~

No ones Pov:

In a forest in Fiore was a little girl crying. "Mommy, daddy, onii-chan where are you" the little girl cried. While the little girl cried there was a dragon flying above the forest. The dragon heard the crying and landed to see where and what it was coming from. The dragon came to a stop when in front of it was a crying little girl. "Why are you my child" asked the dragon. "I don't know where my mommy, daddy, and onii-chan are" the little girl said sniffling. "I see. What's your name and how old are you" the dragon asks. "My name is Anna Rose and I'm 4 years old. What's your name" Anna asks. "My name is Iris Queen of Dragons. Would you like to come with me so I could teach you magic" she asks. "I would love to come with you"Anna says happily. "Good now climb onto my back" she said. "Okay but I have a question is it okay if I call you mom" Anna asked. Iris was shocked but soon smiled. "I would love if you called me mom. Now come on" she said with a small smile" she replied. "Okay" Anna. Said as she climb onto Iris's back.

~~Time Skip~~

Not long after they started flying Iris landed in front of a cave. Once on the ground Anna slid off of Iris's back. Anna turned to look at Iris but when she turned around all she saw was a bright light covering Iris's body causing her to close her eyes. When she opened her eyes she saw a beautiful woman with long red hair and shining blue eyes in a white and gold dress. "Wow Iris you look beautiful but how are you human" Anna asks in shock. "Every dragon has the ability to change into their human form they just choose not to" she replied. "Okay but why are you in your human form" Anna asks. "I said that I would teach you magic but first I am going to train you in hand to hand combat so that your physical power will be just as strong as your magic power" she explains. "Okay. When do we start training" Anna asks. "We start taining tomorrow for now we rest" she stated. "Okay night mom" Anna says sleepily. "Good night my Dragon Princess " she says quietly.

~~Time Skip 5 months~~

Anna just finished traning for the day and decided to go for a walk in the forest. As Anna was walking in the forest she heard a whimpering sound. As Anna walked toward the whimper she came to a stop when laying in front of her was an injured wolf pup. Anna starts to walk to the pup. The wolf pup looked up at Anna and started growling. "It's okay I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help you" Anna said in a calm low voice so she didn't scare the pup more then it already was. The wolf pup stopped growling after Anna finished talking. It wasn't scared of Anna anymore instead it felt safe as if it could trust her. The wolf pup got up and limped to Anna. Anna picked up the wolf pup and started walking to the cave where her and Iris live. As Anna walked into the cave Iris turned to look at Anna and saw she had something in her hands. "What do you have in your hands my child" she asks. "When I was walking in the forest I heard a whimpering sound and went to see what it was and that's when I found this injured wolf pup. I brought it with me so I could help it" Anna explained. "Okay. How about you use the new spell you learned today"she said. "Okay here I go. DRAGON HEALING SPHERE" Anna yelled. A light blue light covered the wolf pup. When the light stopped the wolf pup was completely healed. The wolf pup jumped up and ran to Anna and started licking her face. "My child would you like to keep the wolf pup" she asks. "Can I really thank you mom" Anna said happily. "Well you need to find out if it's a female or male and give it a name" she stated. "I think it's a girl and her name will be Nixie" Anna said happily. Anna looks at the wolf pup. "Do you like that name" Anna asks. The pup yelped happily. "I wish she could talk so when I speak to her she can reply to me" Anna said. "I think I have a spell for that" Iris says. "Please do it mom" Anna pleads. "Okay lets start" she replies. After Iris casts the spell Anna looks at Nixie waiting for her to say something. "Thank you for saving me. My pack left me to die and if you hadn't come I would have. To thank you for saving me I will forever be loyal to you master" Nixie says. "Please don't call me master I'm your friend not your master" Anna says with a smile. Nixie was shocked but then smiled. "Okay" Nixie replied. "Girls I think it's time for bed" Iris says. "Okay but I have a question is it okay for Nixie to call you mom too" Anna asks. Iris smiles at Anna. "I'm fine with her calling me mom now go to sleep"she replies. "Good night mom" Anna and Nixie said at the same time. "Good night my Dragon Princess and Guardian Wolf" she says quietly.

-Hi Anna Rose here I hope you like the start of the story. Feel free to comment what was your favorite part so far. Until next time. Bye

Nixie: Anna you forgot something.

What did I forget?

Nixie:  You forgot to tell them that Fairy tail doesn't belong to you it belongs to Hiro Mashima.

Oh yeah and that the only thing that belong to me are my characters and my twist on the story line.

Nixie: Yep. Until next time. Bye.

Hey that's my line. Anyway bye.

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