Chapter 6 - Werewolves

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We came to find a pack of werewolves, three years later. We were in league with them until I took over. I didn't know about them or the witches, angels, and devils. I tried to regain the alliance with them, but it failed. Glimmer became a vampire herself and so did Zero, but it was by total accident. 

Glimmer and Zero were out on a mission with two other vampires to go kill a clan of 10 vampires that wouldn't obey me. They were fighting and the two vampires had there hands full, bucause they were hybreds. I was with them and protecting Glimmer and Zero. Four had me down and and two had Glmmer and another two had Zero, the rest was on the two vampires. I bit by them and their was just a vampire among the mix proving she was worthy. She bit Zero and Glimmer and made them drink some of her blood. I killed the four holding me after the one bit me. I went over and killed her, and took the other three on me. One was pure werewolf showing he was worthy and bit me. It made me change into a hybred. I killed him easily and had the three to worrie about. The two vampires wounded them of their's, but one got killed. The other one killed one and was losing to the other one. I ran over there qucikly and killed it. I made him get Zero and Glimmer out of here because they were passed out. I killed them after a few minutes and met up with them. Zero woke up before Glimmer and I made him drink blood. He drank about 16 pints before he was ok. Glimmer woke up soon after that and I made her drink about 16 pints and she was ok. I took them back to the vampire house, they stayed there for three months before they were allowed to leave. I moved Zero up to my thrid command in the vampire house. My sister and brother were my fouth and fifth command, Glimmer was my second command. Zach answered to us and everyone else answered to him. We answered to the X- clan. I had to give my command to Glimmer and drop out for a little while. I got control over the hybred after a month then I came back. 

"We found while searching the city for anything out of order one night, a clan of werewolfs. The hunters that was there tried to kill them and succeeded in killing three out of the six. Their was ten hunters and seven died killing the three. I was in hiding watching everything. The other two died trying to fight the last three wolves. They were able to wound one in thee process, but failed to kill it and the others. The one was wounded in its leg and will forever have a limp in its right leg," she told me when as got back. 

"Thanks for the update and take a few days off to get yourself together after what you witnessed," I told her. She nodded and walked out to her car. She drove away down the street and a vampire came to report to me. 

"We spotted some werewolves attacking three people downtown. The other five that was with me died trying to kill the three wolves. We killed the one wounded one, but wounded the other two and thats it all we could do. I hide so I could report back to you and that's what happened. The two that got away will have a limp in there right foot for a while," he told me. 

"Thank you for that information and take a few days to get over what you just saw," I said and turned back to my note pad and wrote down both of the two things I just heard. 

Werewolves, damn, we just got vampires and hunters working together. What should we do? I kept thinking about it for a while. Then a plan started forming in my head. I smiled at the idea of it.

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