Chapter 1: Kennedy Against the World

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This chapter is posted in honour of Boring_Tings ! Happy sweet sixteen!!!

It's not easy living a double life.

My room looks like any normal teenager's room from the outside. It has the bubblegum pink walls and the plush white carpet. My closet is full of the trendiest clothes and my shelves are filled with shoes instead of books.

But what one quick glance at my room wouldn't show you is the textbooks and calculators hidden behind my pillows and tucked into the backs of drawers. My books are piled ten high in the back of my closet, and my notebooks, which are filled to the brim with all my stories and ideas, are buried in an abandoned cupboard in the basement.

You see, high school goes in a certain way. Everyone has their groups. If I walked around with a pencil behind my ear, and kept my novels and notebooks in plain sight, I would be sitting with the nerds and the geeks everyday at lunch. Instead, every morning I apply my makeup and put on my trendy clothes and hide who I really am.

Some days it's harder than others. Some days I really want to do all my homework, put on my glasses and forget about all the parties and people that come with being apart of the 'popular' crowd.

The thought of my friend's reactions is what stops me every time. As much as I hate living my other life, I love my friends. Sure, some of them are a little ditzy, or snobby, but they are my friends all the same, and we look out for one another. I would hate for them to think that I lied to them this whole time about not caring about homework or books or all the things I do care about because I don't trust them.

"Kennedy," my mom shouted up the stairs. "Your friends are here to bring you to school."

I could sense the sarcastic tone in her voice. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my school bag and bounded down the stairs. My mom didn't approve of my friends, insisting they took time away from my school work. It was the truth, I wasn't going to deny it. But sometimes I had different priorities.

"Thanks for telling me, mom." I forced a smile as I breezed by her, grabbing an apple on my way by. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day, after all.

"Kennedy, there you are," Aubrey, my right-hand woman, drawled from the driver's seat. Her long dark hair reached down to her waist, and her hazel eyes blinked, clearly bored sick having to wait for me for two minutes.

"Hey, Aubrey," I replied, raising my voice an octave and twirling my hair in the way that makes me look like more of a dumb blonde than I already am.

I hopped into the front passenger seat next to Aubrey, my usual spot.

"What took you so long?" Sacha questioned, agitated, from the backseat of Aubrey's white Mazda. Her dark brown eyes glared at me against her hazelnut skin, her thick textured hair piled up in a high bun on top of her head.

"Yeah, like, we want our Starbucks," Hailee whined from her seat next to Sacha. Hailee had the lightest blonde hair I had ever seen, so pale that it was almost white, leaving her deep blue eyes to peak out from behind her wispy bangs.

"Sorry, sorry," I attempted to smooth things over. "Let's go to Starbucks now."

One glance at the car clock told me that we would definitely be at least 10 minutes late for first period if we went for coffee now. No matter how hard my conscience said not to, I wasn't about to shut down everyone's fun. After almost 3 years of blocking out my conscience it was barely a whisper in the back of my mind.

"Starbs it is! Wooo!" Aubrey hollered as she rolled down her window and let the breeze ruffle her hair.

"Wooo!" I called out half-heartedly.

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