Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-Kisses and Zac Efron look-alikes

After a delicious italian dinner, Nate and Charlotte walked the vivacious boardwalk and bickered over a discussion that had been brought up.

"Sheldon is not weird! He's absolutely hilarious!" Charlotte cried, smacking Nate's arm.

"He's so friggin annoying! Well, I guess it makes sense why you would like him then. You guys are twins." Nate said, the last part in a loud mumble.

"Wow, you little fucker," Charlotte said in a mock gasp, "I'm so hurt."

"Whatever loser." He said sticking out his tongue. "Team Howard Wolowitz all the way. He tries to score so that's what counts."

"I can't even talk to you right now." Charlotte said, shaking her head in disdain.

As Charlotte checked out the clothes spread on the tables, Nate stood close by scrolling aimlessly through his phone.

"Hey there cutie, what's your name?" He heard a voice whisper from beside him.

Looking up, he caught eyes with a hot blonde girl with her ample chest drawing his eyes downward.

"Nathan, and you?" He said huskily.

"Sasha. I'm a junior, I was on cheerleading last year." She said, tracing a finger on his exposed arm.

Nate clenched his hand to try and not imagine ripping her clothes off right then and there.

"Right, Sasha..." Nathan said slowly, ignoring her hot breath on his ear as she leaned in.

"Meet me later?" She whispered softly, her lips grazing his neck.

"Okay we can..." A voice called before slowly trailing off. "Oh wow I'm sorry, didn't mean to interrupt." Charlotte said, her eyebrow raised.

Nate's attention was torn from Sasha and now was focused on Charlotte in her body hugging dress he gave her. Suddenly, his head was yanked away and hot lips pressed firmly on his own. He moaned, the need to fill his sexual desire taking over. It had almost been a week since his last lay! (Not that he would ever tell Sam that). As much as he wanted Charlotte, his dick was doing the thinking instead.

Charlotte sighed and walked away with a small frown on her lips. She should have known. The hoards of girls lusting after him all night was insane! She bent forward a little and stretched out her back, relishing in the crack that released the tension. It had been a long day and she really needed a bath and a soft mattress.

"Long day for you too?" A male voice inquired.

Charlotte spun around and was faced with an attractive Zac Efron looking guy, giving her a warm smile.

"Hella long," she sighed, sitting down in the empty seat next to him. She sighed and ran her fingers through her tangled auburn hair and slumped down into her chair. "I could really use a drink or some ice cream." She mused aloud.

"Would you like to go over to that ice cream parlor over there? They make the best milkshakes - super thick and creamy." The Zac Efron look-alike said, turning and glancing at Charlotte.

"Oh, sorry, I did not mean to make it sound like I wanted you to ask me out or anything, I was talking to myself mostly." Charlotte said awkwardly.

"No, really, I would love too. C'mon, you seem like you could really use a pick-me-up. I'll even pay." He bribed, standing up and offering a hand. 

Charlotte smiled and took it, pulling herself up onto her heels. "The name's Charlotte, by the way." 

"Beautiful. I'm Troy. Troy Bolts." He said smiling. 

Charlotte's mouth quivered as she tried to hold back a huge grin. Finally she couldn't take it anymore, and she burst out laughing, clutching her stomach as she gasped for air. People were probably looking at her like she was on drugs, but she couldn't help it!

"Is there something wrong with my name?" Troy said slightly hurt, biting his lip as Charlotte's laughs subsided. 

"I'm so sorry, but you look exactly like Zac Efron! You're twins, I swear!" Charlotte said, chuckling. 


"He played Troy Bolton in High School Musical! Dude, don't act like you haven't seen that movie! Troy Bolts, Troy Bolton...I don't believe that no one has made that connection before. Especially the girls. Zac Efron is literally like a god send down from heaven, those abs, smile, gorgeous blue eyes..." Charlotte sighed with a dreamy expression on her face. 

"Did you just indirectly call me a god sent down from heaven with amazing abs, smile and gorgeous blue eyes?" Troy questioned her with a grin.

"Yep. Don't act like you don't know you're gorgeous." Charlotte said with a shrug. 

"Hey babe, ready to go?" Nate's voice sprung from beside them, an arm wrapping against Charlotte's bare shoulders. 

Troy took a step back, a worried look on his face. 

"Get off me, what's your problem." Charlotte snapped, pushing Nate's arm off her. "Okay, Bolton, let's go." Charlotte said jokingly, putting a hand on Troy's elbow and steering him quickly away from Mr. Jackass. 

"Juliet? Where are you going?" Nate said angrily, yanking her back, his gray eyes storming over. 

"Juliet? I thought your name was Charlotte?" Troy said, his brows coming together. 

"Shut up, pretty boy." Nathan snapped, throwing him a glare. 

"Both of you, stop it!" Charlotte cried, rubbing her temples. "You're driving me crazy! Nate, go back to your stupid bimbos and leave me alone. The date is over." 

"Not yet it isn't," He said quietly, making Charlotte turn towards him in confusion. In a flash, his lips were pressing on hers.

Charlotte wasn't going to lie, he definitely knew what he was doing. He nipped her bottom lip and she opened in surprise, but his hot tongue slipped into her own and tugged gently at her own. Charotte ripped away as things were starting to increase, and wiped her mouth.

"Now it is." She said simply, before turning around to a stunned Troy, and walking away with him without a second look. 


This story will be moved to the account potterxlove, so if you enjoy it, PLEASE re add it! Again, the account is potterxlove and it will be the same story and title!! 





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