Chapter 3

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Dedicated to moonshadow for being a great reader:)

Chapter 3-That Son of a Bitch

Charlotte's POV

The phone rang loudly in Charlotte's hand, seconds after she had just ended the call. She glanced down at the number and recognized it as her own. Jackass was calling. She contemplated whether or not to ignore the call or just pick it up, because she really did need her phone back. Sighing, Charlotte answered the call but stayed silent. 

"Alright, alright, I see that you're not one for jokes. The name's Nate by the way. Also, I need your phone passcode." The boy, now called Nate, said as she answered his call. 

"5426. Anyways, I just need my phone back. And don't you dare go through my stuff," Charlotte said stiffly.

"Well, aren't you going to tell me your name?" Nate questioned, ignoring what she had just said. 

"Juliet." Charlotte answered, giving him her real name. She wasn't planning on getting to know this player and so why should she give him what he wanted? 

"Ah, Juliet. She doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear. Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, as yonder lady o'er her fellow shows-" Nate said dreamily, before being cut off by Charlotte.

"You know Shakespeare? I must say, I'm impressed but mostly surprised." Charlotte said with awestruck voice. 

"Why Juliet, you can't judge a book by it's cover can you?" Nathan said in mock suprise. 

"I wasn't sure you had ever seen a book before..." Charlotte mused. 

"Hey, I resent that!" Nathan cried, "I guess you don't want your phone back, Jules..." 

"...Jules? Whatever, can you just meet me at the Starbucks tomorrow?" Charlotte said with a roll of her eyes. 

"Oh, sweetie, didn't  I tell you? I'll be gone for a couple days, the football team is going to the beach for some 'bonding.' You'll have to wait until I get back!" Nate crowed happily.

"You fucking decided to tell me this now?!" Charlotte shrieked angrily. 

"Sorry! Bye!" Nate chirped smugly, before hanging up the phone. 

Charlotte quickly composed a text message and typed in her phone number. 

Charlotte: Son of a bitch. 

Nathan: Love you too <3

What am I supposed to do without my phone?

IDK, you know there used to be a life without phones, I think you can handle it. We can foward each other messages that we get. 

K. When do you get back? 

So eager to meet me again I see? I'll be back in two or three days, calm down. 


Ouch, don't yell! You're hurting my feelings! 

What beach are you going too? 

Torrey Pines, y?

See you soon. 


Charlotte plugged in the charger before hurrying to her closet. She packed her favorite mint colored bikini, sunscreen, sunglasses, her ipod, and a couple magazines before dialing Erica's number.

"Hey E, it's Char!"

"Charlotte? Who's phone are you using?" Erica questioned.

"Long story, I'll tell you on the car ride. We're going to the beach!" Charlotte cried.

"The beach? Okay well sounds good, pick me up in that new car of yours!"

"Be there in ten!" Charlotte replied before hanging up. If she was going to have to hunt down Nate, she might as well enjoy the beach while she was there with her best friend. 

Charlotte used the landline to call up her mother and leave her a voicemail about the change of plans. 

"Mother, this is Juliet. I will be meeting you in Honolulu separately, please inform Father." Charlotte said properly, before happily hanging up. Her parents were the snobbiest, snootiest people she had ever met. They were going to Honolulu just because, and then Paris next month. What a waste of money. Charlotte stripped off her clothes and slipped on her bikini, then tugged on her bathing suit cover up. It was much too girly for her liking, but sadly it would have to do. Glancing in the mirror, Charlotte smoothed her auburn hair into a high bun and grimaced in the mirror. Charlotte knew that people found her beautiful, but it made her uncomfortable and awkward. Ever since she was a baby and her parents left her in the care of her nanny Greta, adults would come up and tell Greta how gorgeous she was. Charlotte had gotten her looks from her stunning parents, who were both models when they were young. She thought they're mad sometimes that she didn't follow in their model footsteps--but what's the fun in never eating and being photographed for hours in skimpy outfits when you could be eating pizza? Chuckling to herself, Charlotte slipped on her sandals, and flew down the stairs and slid into her car. 

Time to have some fun. 

Charlotte pulled into Erica's large driveway and tooted the horn three times, her usual signal that she was outside. A minute later, Charlotte's best and oldest friend came running out of her house and skipped down to the car. Erica was very popular with the boys at their high school due to her exotic beauty. Her mother was Spanish, and she inherited a golden tan and her long raven colored hair. She had a flawless face that made Charlotte sometimes feel queasy to look at, it was so perfect. Sometimes she wished that Erica could have just one flaw so it would make it easier to look at her. All boys were intimidated by her beauty, but it didn't stop them from falling in love with her. In addition to her good looks, she also had the personality to go with it. She had a tough exterior but she was the sweetest girl there ever was. 

"Hola chicha, let's hit it!" Erica cried, blasting the radio after she shut Charlotte's car door. Charlotte pressed the green start button on the GPS that came installed into her baby. T-minus forty five minutes until they would be at the beach, and she would have to come face to face with Nate again. 

HELLO! Maddie here again! That Shakespeare part was added due to me just having read Romeo and Juliet in school haha that play was so good, but sort of depressing right? Thanks for sticking with me and happy reading! :) <3 Oh and comment where there are grammar errors if you see them :)






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