Signs Driving

565 13 10

Aries: cut me off one more time I freakin dare you

Taurus: SToP YELLING @ peOPLE THEY can't hear YOU

Gemini: Flipping people off doesn't really affect them fyi

Cancer: use your FREAKING blinker

Leo: Is it that hard to go in a straight line???

Virgo: please calm down it's a car not an airplane

Libra: don't wave at me like you're sorry

Scorpio: get your head out of your butt, you're like seriously scaring me

Sagittarius: get off the steering wheel, like how can you even breath

Capricorn: please speed up, oh my god

Aquarius: get off your phone before I rip it out of your hands and shove it up your butt

Pisces: not everyone is trying to kill you, like chill please

Next Chapter: What the Signs would do with $10,000

Well gee, this is hectic....
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~ Winter

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