Zodiac Signs 2

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Aries - Typical Aries are pioneers who motivate others with their exemplary enthusiasm. The nature of Aries is straightforward.

Taurus - If Taurus take something in their head, it is very hard to change their decision. If you say "stubborn" to Taurus, they will certainly explain to you, that they are only patient and cautious.

Gemini - Instability and variability is the essential characteristic of Gemini, because their element is air and they are under the influence of the planet Mercury (Mercury is also a flying god).

Cancer - Cancers often submit themselves to changes of their various feelings. And their feelings change as often as the lunar phase.

Leo - Leo is a bright and proud ruler. Leos are smart enough not to waste energy on useless projects. When they know they can easily sweep the floor with a broom, they will not take a toothbrush for this work. Leos nature is to advise and manage others.

Virgo - Virgos are reliable and accurate. At the first glance, they are perfectionists with a calm and balanced view of the world. People born in Virgo are hardworking and attentive.

Libra - The main dream of people born in Libra is harmony! Libras are peaceful angels who would like to settle all disputes in the world. Libras are often dissatisfied because of their own uncertainty and indecision.

Scorpio - Getting on with Scorpios is not easy. Insults bounce off them and they do not melt down by compliments like snow in spring. Scorpios do not need anybody to tell them how good they are.

Sagittarius - "Straight as a die" - that is the most characteristic summary of Sagittarius nature. Sagittarians are hearty people, who arouse respect and embarrassment at the same time in the society.

Capricorns - Capricorn is a mountain antelope, who can climb the social ladder as skilfully as his four-legged friend in the mountains

Aquarius - Aquarius are often great visionaries and dreamers who do not tend to respect traditional values and knowledge of the past.

Pisces - Have your ever seen a fish that would stay long at one place? Probably no, unless it was a dead one. Thus, regular Pisces must be always on the move. If Pisces cannot swim on the high seas, they anchor themselves to some colorful coral reef.

Next Chapter: Angels or Demons

Hi! This is a shorter description for the signs if you couldn't be bother reading the first part of it. I know this book is a bit boring at the start but I promise to keep it more entertaining in the future. All this description stuff is for anyone who is new to all this Zodiac Signs and Star Signs, or for anyone who is curious and wants to know more about their or others Zodiac Sign.

Don't forget to leave your comment below about anything Yu what to see in the future since I will need all your help with ideas because this is my first Zodiac Signs/Star Signs book.

~ Winter

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