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Today is the second day of campus orientation. I expect much more than yesterday. I am still grateful that yesterday incident did not leave scars or fatal injury. From my seniors, today agenda was SAU performances. SAU stands for Student Activity Unit; they are such  extracurricular activities at schools but wider in scale and more organized. I am excited as there are so many interesting SAUs. I have checked before that Taekwondo is also there. All of the freshmen of Geluran University are gathering in a big hall named Geluran Convention Center or GCC. They are already divided into two groups. First group consists of Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Humanities (my faculty) which are scheduled to be at GCC from 8 am-12.00 am. Second group consists of Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics which are scheduled at GCC from 1-5 pm.

Every SAU has its booth as display on the outskirts of the hall while a big stage is placed in the center of the hall to present every SAUs performances. SAUs are grouped according to their category. Choir SAU, Photography SAU, and Teather SAU are in Art SAU Section at the west of the hall. Silat SAU, Taekwondo SAU, and Karate SAU are in Martial Art Section at the east of the hall. And last is Sport SAU Section at the north of the hall which consists of Badminton SAU, Tennis SAU, Basketball SAU, and Volley SAU. At south of the hall is an entrance on the left side and exit on the right side.

 At south of the hall is an entrance on the left side and exit on the right side

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Now, at 9.15 am, Theater SAU is performing on the big stage; it is so great. I just watch awhile then I go straight to Taekwondo SAU booth to register as a member. After another SAUs' Performances, Taekwondo SAU will perform 10 minutes again at 11.15 am. I am so  excited to see.. I am rushing to get near the stage, but bruak!!!


I am a lazy person who is not interested in students activities. Study itself is so tiring so I want to save my energy. No one knows that every saturday morning I help my ex-ballet trainer to teach children learning ballet. Yes, ballet. When I was a kid, about 6 years old, I started learning ballet after watching musical concert. I had learning ballet for 7 years before retired. I was retired because of some my friends from junior high school who accidentally saw me practicing ballet made fun of me. I got bullied until I graduated, that's why I retired and did not tell my senior high school friend about me and ballet. Since that day I never mention ballet but I have learned modern dance *cough*to show my tough and cool side*cough* since modern dance and ballet are still kinds of dance so other students wouldn't bully and make fun of me again. But almost year ago my ex ballet trainer asked me to help her teaching children ballet and encouraging boys to be confident with ballet. Yeah I know I am such a hypocrite! I have to encourage the boys to be confident with ballet although in reality I quit ballet because I was ashamed and bullied because of it.

I still do not find something interesting in this SAUs Performance. My passion is dancing, same with Hoseok. FYI, although Hoseok is superb at dancing, he is also a pharmacy student. He is a genius. I envy him. Yeah I know that Japanese Literature is my interest, but I still find it is amusing because entering Pharmacy more difficult than any departments of Faculty of Humanities. I watch around with Hoseok. Glad we can meet here since we are from different faculties.

"Jungkook, do you already find what SAU you want to join?" when we are in front of Tennis SAU booth to accompany Hoseok register there. "Hmm..nope! I wanna join dancing club or something like that, but there is none." He scrapes his chin that is not itchy, "choir is more suitable for you". "What?!" I roll my eyes. "Yeah.. I heard you singing a lil bit when you are in the bathroom. I think you have nice and soothing voice". "Hahaha. The last time I was singing..some chickens dead, plants withered and some dogs barked", I said with sarcastic tone. "Owh.. you are too low profile. I know that you are potential. Why don't you join them?". Why this Sun Baby is so persistent?  "I am not interested, It's wasting time. I heard they give hard test. Plus, singing is just my hobby. I am grateful although I just can have mini concert in bathroom".

We go around again to see booth display when I hear the MC inform about next performance, Taekwondo SAU. I am not interested, but then I hear beatfull music. I rush to the front of the stage but, bruak,  I plop on the ground. "Argh!" a girl's voice in front of me. "yo-you again?" holy molly banana cherry strawberry! She is Bee, the girl I met unluckily at my first day of campus orientation. Before she opens her mouth, "I am sorry, but I don't have time arguing with you..so, goodbye!" and run to the front of the stage directly ignoring her shocked face.

I am stunned to see a bunch of taekwondoin (taekwondo practitioner) but what more surprising is the following, they do taekwondo dance. DANCE. How martial arts can be that beautiful and powerful at the same time and can be soft at the right part. I never watch something like that.. maybe I live under rock.

you can watch the example of taewondo dance at the top

After the performance is done, I clapped immediately like a seal. I am stunned. From all the performances today, that was the best and suit me the most, in my opinion. I have decided that I will join Taekwondo SAU. I love dance, moreover I can learn martial art as self defense to avoid bulies. Best offer I get. As soon as I have decided, I rush to the booth and register there.


thanks for all of you who read, vote, and comment. All of your supports are really  appreciated. I am busy of school and part time job so upload this regularly seems so hard for me. heheheh. please bear with me. gomawo. arigatou. thankiss. terima kasih.

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