Chapter 2

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You're now chatting to a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi

You: Hey

Stranger: Boy or girl?

You: Why?

Stranger: Just answer the question!

You: Not until you tell me why!

Stranger: I wanna know if you have tits or a dick, though I prefer dick ;)

You have disconnected.

Louis sighed and tried a new conversation.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hey

Stranger: asl

You: What?

Stranger: Age, sex, location?

You: None, of, your, business.

Stranger has disconnected.

Louis again sighed and prayed he could have just one normal conversation.

Stranger: Hello

You: Hi, are you a horny person who's going to start perving?

Stranger: lol, no.

You: Good

Stranger: Why, you don't like pervs?

You: Why would I like pervs?

Stranger: I may have not answered your first question honestly...

You have disconnected.

Louis felt like ripping his hair out. He decided to give it one more shot before giving up and attempting to do his maths homework.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hello

Stranger: Hi

You: Are you going to ask pervy questions?

Stranger: No, I just need some advice

You: Me too! 

Stranger: Cool.... what's your name?

Louis thought for a second before deciding he doesn't want to give a random stranger his real name.

You: Lewis.

You: Yours?

Stranger: Edward

You: Nice, so what's your problem Edward?

Stranger: I'm having trouble with my sexuality.

Stranger: You're not homophobic are you!?

You: No, I'm gay.

Stranger: Good, so can you help?

You: What do you think you are? Gay, Bi, Pan...?

Stranger: Bi

You: Problem solved!

Stranger: Not exactly

You: What's the problem then?

Stranger: My friends are homophobic....

You: Then make some gay friends

Stranger: My school thinks I'm homophobic as well

You: Why?

Stranger: I bully the gay kids...

You: Edward! No wonder! Well, if your friends are truly your friends then they won't mind that you're gay or they'll at least look past the fact

Stranger: Thanks

Stranger: What's your problem?

You: I really want to try out for the school play and try out for football, but I can't unless I have a passing grade in all my classes. I can bring my grades up, but I'm terrible at maths. I would ask my friends to help, but I don't want them to look down on me or anything nor do I want a tutor. 

Stranger: Well you just so happened to have messaged a stranger who is excellent at maths

You: Really?You'll help!

Stranger: Of course, what do you need help with?

For the next hour, Edward tutored Louis in maths as well as getting to know each other. Louis decided that Edward was a nice guy and wanted to talk to him again, but not through the world of Omegle but a different way. Louis was going to suggest Twitter so they could DM but he wasn't sure he wanted Edward to know what he looked like so soon, so he decided to give him his kik.

You: Edward, do you have a kik?

Stranger: No, why?

You: I wanted to talk to you again...

Stranger: Then I'll get one. Is it like an app or something?

You: Yup! It's for your phone!

Stranger: Cool, I'll set one up. What's yours?

You: StripsEqualLife

Stranger: I just made mine it's KittyCatCurly

You: Kind of screams gay lol

Stranger: Ha, ha. I'll kik you later, yeah?

You: Course :)

Stranger disconnected.

Louis let out a blissful sigh before doing the maths homework he now had a better understanding of.


Louis walked into school the next day with a bit more hop in his step. He couldn't keep the smile off his face.

Louis was happy because he had a maths test today! And he actually understood the concept! 

Louis was happy!

He walked up to his locker and right as he closed it, Liam was there along with his girlfriend, Danielle, Eleanor and Ed. Louis grinned at them.

"Why are you so happy?" Ed asked skeptically.

Louis shrugged, "Just because." 

They all soon started talking about nothing and everything until the bell for first period rang. They were in the middle of talking about belts (don't ask why, just go with the flow) when Louis was pinned against a locker. Louis cringed and looked up at his attacker. Harry Styles.

"What do you want Styles?" Louis spat.

"Just curious how the little fairy was doing. How are 'ya queer?" Harry asked as his friends snickered.

"Just let go, weirdo." 

"Me! Weird! How am I weird? Compared to a fag like you, I'm normal," Harry said with a smirk and his friends kept snickering.

"I don't know. So many tattoos it should be illegal, holes in your face, your sticky breath! Need I go on?" Louis smirked and his friends snickered. Harry glared at him and slammed Louis into the lockers again.

"Watch your mouth Tomlinson," Harry warned.

"How about, you wash your mouth?" Louis said and chuckled at bit. Harry glared at him and looked like he was ready to kill a bitch. Louis however was saved by the bell. Harry slammed Louis into the lockers again before heading off to first period with his friends. Louis glared at the back of Harry's head before turning to his friends and heading to first period as well.

The Cliques (Larry Stylinson) {Punk!Harry}Where stories live. Discover now