Chapter 8

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Harry sent Lewis the message he just typed out before laying on his bed. He was still quite confused on a lot of things, things Lewis might be able to help him with. 

Harry liked Lewis, but hated the fact his name sounded so closely to Louis'. Harry decided to 'subtly' ask him on a date if they ever met, that is if he isn't a forty year old pedophile.

Harry just wanted to get his mind off Louis. Off his perfect feathery soft hair that Harry wanted to run his fingers through. Off his beautiful blue eyes that Harry can spend the rest of his life staring into. Off his chiselled muscles and toned torso that's clear from tattoos, unlike his own. And especially off his pink feminine-like lips. The lips he felt on his, only days ago. The lips that left him craving more. The lips that haven't left his mind since they kissed.

Harry sighed before he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. When he checked it he saw that Lewis texted him back.

L: I'd love too! xx

H: Great. Maybe we'll meet one day? x

L: Maybe... ;) xx 

That's how the remaining of their conversation went, them flirting with each other (with 'x's). Harry was happy that he had Lewis, he kept his mind of Louis... the guy he wished he could hate but knew he couldn't. He knew why, but would never admit it because it was his biggest nightmare.


 Louis sat down in his chair with Liam beside him. Louis slid down his chair a bit before placing his head in his hands. 

"You okay?" Liam asked with concern laced in his voice.

"Yeah. M'fine," Louis mumbled. Five minutes into the class period however, Louis head had started to hurt so he asked if he could go to the nurse to get some painkillers.

On Louis' way back from the nurse, he stopped by the bathroom so he could wash his hands that touched something sticky. Louis entered the bathroom and washed his hands with extra soap so it was all bubbly. While Louis was washing his hands, he heard the bathroom door open.

Louis turned around and was met with cold green eyes. Louis snorted before glaring at the beautiful boy. They glared at each other for a while before Harry scoffed and went to a urinal. Louis blushed a bit as Harry pulled down his zipper and turned away.

Louis heard the toilet flush just as he was about to leave the room. Louis turned the handle right as he heard a loud, "Dammit!" When Louis turned around Harry had a dark black mark on his already black shirt. Louis couldn't help but snort at Harry's misfortune. 

Unfortunately for Louis, Harry heard the snort and glared at the older lad. Harry turned on the sink and cupped his big hands under the water, by the time Louis realized what was happening, it was to late. Harry had already splashed the water from his hands, onto Louis.

Louis shrieked as the cold water hit his stomach. Harry continued to splash water at Louis and Louis kept shrieking and squirming around. Eventually, Louis was able to hide in one of the bathroom stalls. He heard Harry leave soon after with a small mutter of 'pussy'. 

Louis sighed once he was sure Harry was no longer in the bathroom. Louis then cautiously walked out of the stall and sighed in relief once he saw the bathroom was empty. Louis was about to leave the bathroom for good when he saw a phone on the counter. Louis assumed it was Harry's because he vaguely remembers Harry putting it there while Louis was shrieking due to the coldness of the water.

Louis didn't want to be a snoop, but going against his own wishes, Louis opened up Harry's phone, surprised that there wasn't a password. Louis smirked a bit before scrolling through Harry's apps. Louis noticed that Harry had a kik and was a bit surprised at the fact, so Louis opened it up. 

Louis wondered what Harry's username would be so he clicked on his profile so he could read it. What he saw made his eyes bulge out of his head. On the screen read, 'KittyCatCurly'. Right as Louis read this, the door to the bathroom opened and in stepped a head of curls.


Short chapter, I know, but the next one will be longer, promise 


The Cliques (Larry Stylinson) {Punk!Harry}Where stories live. Discover now