Chapter 19

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After Louis and Harry had finished their little deed, they spent the rest of the day together. Louis texted Niall once they were done to tell the Bobcats that he went exploring for the rest of the day.

Harry and Louis spent their whole day in the woods. They talked, kissed, fucked (once, or twice), and just sat there in each other's embrace just enjoying each others company.

Right now they were just enjoying one another's company. It was almost midnight and everyone was in their cabins. Neither boy cared that their friends were probably worried about their whereabouts.

They were currently on the beach and out of hiding. Since everyone was in their cabins, they saw no use in hiding.

The two were staring up at the stars in the sky. Louis was laying on Harry's chest with Harry's arms protectively around his waist. 

The two were silent and were just gazing at the stars. Actually, Louis was, Harry was just looking at the stars but was really thinking about why Louis' hair smelled like strawberries and not a manlier scent. Then he started asking himself why he doesn't tease Louis about it. His subconscious was telling him it was because he liked the scent and feared Louis would stop using the shampoo if he said something about it, but of course Harry didn't listen to his subconscious so he drew to a blank.

Because of Harry's deep thinking and Louis' deep concentration on trying to find a consolation, even though it was silent, neither boy heard when someone walked onto the beach nor when someone sat beside them.

It was when Harry felt a tap on his shoulder that he jumped slightly and turned his head. The sudden jerk making Louis turn his head as well.

"What are you guys doing here? You do know everyone's worried sick about you," Niall hissed.

"Yes we did," Harry stated.

"And you just let them worry!?" Niall exclaimed. Harry shrugged before planting his face in Louis' neck. Louis giggled as Harry's curls hit his neck, "Alright love birds listen up!" Niall tried to get both boys attention but only received Louis', "You guys have to go back to the cabins," Niall stated.

"We know. We will. Eventually," Louis said with a shrug as well.

"Fine. Let your best mates worry about you guys," Niall grumbled before getting up, "Do you guys want anything to eat? I'm heading to the McDonald's only a block away."

"Still having your midnight snacks are ya Niall?" Harry asked as he lifted his head slightly from Louis' neck. Niall chuckled.

"Course mate!"

"Can you get me some crisps?" Louis asked Niall who nodded.

"Can we share?" Harry asked.

"You always take my food anyways, so why ask?" Louis teased.

"Just trying to be polite," Harry said before pulling a face making Louis giggle, "You're cute when you giggle," Harry stated before placing his lips on the older lad's. Louis smiled as they continued to kiss in the awkward position. That is until they heard a throat being cleared.

"Um.. guys," Niall said awkwardly.

"Niall. Why are you still here?" Harry asked, not bothering to hid his annoyance. Louis giggled at that.

"I just wanted to clarify that you guys wanted a large, right?" Niall asked as he shifted back and forth on his heals.

"Right," Harry said. Niall nodded before walking off the beach.

"Don't fuck while I'm gone!" Niall shouted.

"Can't promise you anything!" Harry shouted back.

"You're quite horny you know that," Louis commented.

"We should text our friends telling them we're okay," Harry said and Louis nodded.

"What would we tell them?"

"I'm staying at a girls house?" Harry suggested making Louis inwardly cringe, "What's wrong?" Harry frowned.

"Nothing. I just love the image of my boyfriend sleeping with some girl," Louis said, sarcasm laced in his slightly high pitched voice.

"Y'know I'd never cheat on you right?" Harry asked Louis while looking him straight in the eyes.

"Yeah," Louis says as he looks away. Harry takes his chin to make him look at him.

"I really like you Louis and would never do that," Harry said genuinely.

"I really like you too," Louis said with a soft smile that Harry returned. Louis leaned in and placed his lips on Harry's for a chaste kiss on the lips. Their lips moved slowly and in sync, no tongue, just an innocent kiss. 

Louis pulled away first and when he did, he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck for a hug. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and happily hugged him back. 

The two broke their embrace when Louis' phone buzzed. Louis fished his phone from his pocket and saw it was a text from Eleanor.

Where are you? We haven't heard from you all day? Are you okay? Are you dead? Please answer Lou -Eleanor

Louis quickly typed back a response.

I did a bit of sight seeing before going out to lunch at this beautiful restaurant. Now I'm eating dinner at Mickey D's so I'll see you soon -Louis

"Mickey D's?" Harry asked with an amused smile.

Louis shrugged, "My sister used to say it all the time. It kind of stuck, y'know?"

"I guess. I should text Zayn or someone," Harry said before taking out his phone and composing a text. Louis not-so-subtly looked over Harry's shoulder making the latter chuckle, "Don't hold anything I'm about to type against me, okay?" Harry asked Louis who hesitantly nodded.

Hey mate. I went for a walk after I lost the fag, but I found this chick on the street and she was fit! I went to her house and made her day ;) -Harry

Once Harry sent the text he saw tears in Louis' eyes. Harry quickly took the older lad into his arms and rocked him back and forth mumbling 'I'm sorry' and 'I don't mean it' into his hair.

You get some, mate! What does the hotty look like? -Zayn

She has carmel colored hair that smells like strawberries. She has beautiful blue eyes with thin pink lips that I'm quite addicted to. She also has a cute little button nose. And don't get me started on her body! She has a nice plump ass with a little petite waist -Harry 

"She sounds.. nice," Louis said with a sniffle, clearly not getting Harry's message.

"I was describing you," Harry said. Louis frowned before re-reading the text before realization crossed his face along with a smile.

"My hair smells like strawberries?" Louis asked with a small giggle and a raised eyebrow. Harry smiled and kissed his boyfriend's temple.

"Mmhm," Harry hummed. Louis continued to sit on Harry's lap as he rocked them from side to side. 

Niall eventually came back with their fries and all three of them ate their food while they talked. Once they were all done, they went back to their cabins. Louis and Harry sneaked a kiss goodbye before walking into their appropiate cabins, Niall right behind Louis.

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