Chapter 4

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Liam sat down at the Bobcat's table with a sigh. Everyone else seated at the table looked up at him curiously, "What's wrong, Li?" Louis asked concerned.

"Ran into some Muskrats," Liam mumbled.

"What happened?"

"Nothing really to offend me, more you," Liam explained.

"Well, atleast the idiots didn't offend you," Louis said.

"What's their problem anyway!? They don't even deserve to be popular!" Eleanor exclaimed.

"Yeah, their just sluts," Danielle agreed.

"Slutty punks that think their all badass and cooler then everyone else," Ed said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"They're not that bad," Niall shrugged. Everyone looked at him like he had three heads and Niall had a deja vu moment.

"How are they not bad?" Eleanor asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just because they sleep around doesn't mean they're bad, just in need of pleasure. And their appearance doesn't say anything about their personality either," Niall explained.

"They bully Louis!" Liam exclaimed.

"But Louis always fights back," Niall shrugged.

"Are you really defending them?" Danielle asked.

"Just saying," Niall said before getting up and leaving the cafeteria. Once Niall was out of view, everyone at the table shook their heads with a roll of eyes before going back to regular conversation.


Louis walked into art class after parting ways with Eleanor. He walked into the classroom and sat at a table with random students.

One was a bookworm and he had a novel in his hand. From Louis' point of view it looked like he was reading Harry Potter, the second book. He had his head down and was reading the book intently. It made Louis wonder what was going on that had his full attention.

Next to the bookworm, was a hipster. She was wearing a shirt that said 'Feels Like Paris' with a tie dye jacket on top accompanied by black skinny jeans. She was also wearing beige colored flats with a triangle necklace and a red and blue bracelet made of string. She looked quite nice in Louis' opinion. [A/N Outfit on the side because I can't come up with a nice outfit and had to look one up on the internet... oh well]

The person beside Louis was a goth. He was wearing a plain black shirt along with plain black skinny jeans. He had on some silver necklaces and bracelets, but besides that, his outfit was pretty lifeless. As well as the aurora he was giving off, making Louis shiver a bit. Louis didn't want to sit next to him. He was so lifeless and dark, the complete opposite of Louis who was enthusiastic and colorful. So, Louis 'subtly' scooted away from him. Half the class noticed the action and some snickered, whilst other rolled their eyes and some just stared.

The teacher started class right after by clapping his hands. The classroom went silent and everyone looked at him, "Okay, so today we're doing a class project. You'll all pair up and draw a portrait of each other together and paint it afterwards. I'm picking the partners. We're going by names so.. Alanders and Armstrong are working together, Bucklenston and Carlson are together..." The teacher's voice faded away in Louis' mind. Louis knew he'd be one of the last people to be called since his last name started with a T. Eventually he heard the teacher start with the R's so Louis tuned back in and waited patiently for the teacher to start with the S's then the T's, "Styles and Tomlinson," The teacher said and everybody froze.

Everyone in the school knows about Louis' and Harry's hate for each other, even the teachers. So no one understood why this teacher would put the two lads together. Did he want to start a World War III?

Everyone was silent and was just staring at the teacher. Slowly, Louis turned his head to look at Harry who was across the room from him. Seconds later Harry turned his head as well, they were soon glaring at one another.

"Okay, get to work!" The teacher said like the whole class didn't just go dead silent and was just staring at him like he was crazy.

It didn't take long for everyone to come out their dazes to look for their partners. While everyone did that, Louis and Harry continued to glare at one another. Eventually the teacher had enough of that and told them to get to work. The two boys sighed before Louis got up and walked over to the empty seat beside Harry. 

He sat down just as an awkward silence fell upon both of them. They sat there, not sure of what to do next or who should say something first, so they just remained silent. 

Louis got annoyed by the silence and got up to get a sheet of paper to start with. He also grabbed some crayons, colored pencils and a regular pencil. All to soon did he have everything he needed and had to go back to his seat. He sat beside Harry again and put the stuff down. 

Louis grabbed the pencil and paper, "So," Louis started, breaking the silence, "How do you want to do this?" 

"What?" Harry asked, a bit harshly. Louis sighed and rolled his eyes.

"How do you want me to draw you?" Louis asked, annoyed.

"My best side. Since you're alittle faggot you know which side it is," Harry said with a smirk.

Louis rolled his eyes again before crossing his arms and saying, "Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I find every guy attractive. I sure as hell don't find you appealing. Hell, I don't know what the girls see in you," Louis said with a smirk as well. Harry glared at Louis and his hands clenched at his sides.

"You're lucky we're in class Tomlinson," Harry said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, please. You couldn't hurt a fly even if you tried. A baby would have better luck then you," Louis said before glaring at Harry.

"You don't know who you're messing with."

"Actually, I do. A stupid, homophobic, slutty, punk boy that thinks he's better then everyone else!"

"Well I'm dealing with, a gay, goodie two shoes who thinks he's better then everyone else because everyone likes him and he's the teacher's pet!" Harry retorted.

Before Louis could respond however, the bell rang. Both boys were astonished because it seemed like class wasn't that long. Their awkward silence must've lasted longer then they thought. 

They packed up their books before walking out the classroom and going in opposite directions. Both steaming with hate for the other lad and going to their next class.

The Cliques (Larry Stylinson) {Punk!Harry}Where stories live. Discover now