Chapter 3

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The school day was over and I'm ready to go to the house. I don't call it home because it doesn't feel like it. I got on the bus. I didn't see Grayson on it which kinda made me sad. So I sat in the same seat.
My bus finally dropped me off. I went straight to my house. Tomas was playing poker with his buddies. "Hey angel I missed you," he said. He was clearly drink which was everyday.
"Aaahh I didn't miss you too," I smirked.
He got up from the chair super fast and put his hands around my neck, choking me. "Get your hands off of me."
"Let me tell you something you little brat," he whispered in my ear, "don't you ever talk to me like that ever again do you understand me."
I nodded and he let me go. I ran straight to my room and shut the door and locked it. I hate my life so much. My phone ring and I saw a text from Grayson.
G: Hey
Me: Hey
G: Did you ask your mom yet
Me: I'm going too, why weren't you on the bus this afternoon
G: Cause my mom check me and E out for a doctor's appointment, why?
Me: I just missed u that all
G: Whatever 😝😝
Me: Ttyl8r 😘😘😘
G: See u soon 💗💗💗
I turned off my phone. I want to the bathroom to check my make up. I still looked good. I added more lipstick on my lips.
I went to my mom's room. She was laying in the bed. I heard her sobbing.
"Mom what's wrong," I asked. She turned around. She had a busted lip and a black eye. "Did he do this to you," I said pissed off.
"Don't worry about it," my mom said.
"Why can't you just leave him," I yelled.
"Because we have a place to stay," she was crying now. I didn't want to see her cry, so I change the subject.
"Mom I'm going to a friend's house, is that ok," I said.
"Yeah, just don't get into trouble," she said wiping the tears away from her face.
"Ok," I said and left the room. Why does Tomas have to treat my mom like she's a pig. One day someone going to teach him a lesson.
I went to my room to get my phone. I texted Grayson.
Me: My mom said yes 😄😄😄
G: Yes, ill pick you up 😆😆
Me: Ok
I put my phone in my pocket. I went outside to want for Grayson to come. I saw Grayson pull up in a nice truck. "Need a lift," Grayson said smiling.
"Nice ride, how come you don't drive to school," I asked opening the car door and getting inside.
"Just to lazy," he said, "but besides I wouldn't never had met you."
"Aaahhh is that supposed to be romantic," I said.
"Maybe," he laughed.
Grayson drove to his house. It was one big ass house. I went inside of the house. "Well hello there," a woman said to me. She was a little shorter than me. She had brown hair, and brown eyes.
"Oh hello," I said.
"You must be Grayson's friend," she said.
"Yes ma'am," I said.
"And look she have manners," she wink at Grayson.
"Mom this is Y/N, Y/N this is my mom," Grayson said.
"Its nice to meet you Mrs. Dolan," I said.
"Oh please call me Lisa," she said.
"Y/N, do you want to come to my room and practice," Grayson said.
"Sure," I said.
"Ill make you guys a snack," Lisa said.
"Ok mom," Grayson said walking up the stairs as I followed.
Grayson's room was so nice. He had blue sheets on the bed and he had brown curtains, and it smelled like him, good smell.
"Nice room," I said to him.
"Thanks," he said, "so let's get started.

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