Chapter 6

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I went to my locker to get my books for my next classes. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around.
"Are you going out with Grayson Dolan," Alexandra said.
"Why do you want to know," I said.
"Because he doesn't belong to you, and you know that," she said in a bitchy voice.
"Well maybe he really likes me," I said.
"Aahhgg what do he see in you, your a slut like always, and he's going to leave you for me," she said.
"I highly doubt that," I laughed.
"Will see about that," she challenged. The first period bell rang.
"Well I would to stay and chat but I have to go to class cya," I left my locker and went to my first period class.
Grayson was the last one to enter into the classroom. He sat behind me.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," he said. He sounded a little sad.
"Is everything ok Gray," I ask.
"Yeah just little sleepy that's all," he said.
"Are you ready for our scene," I said.
"Yeah, can't wait," he sarcastically said.
"Babe what's wrong," I asked again.
"I don't want to talk about," he clench his jaw.
"Oh ok," I said.
Miss Lawrence entered our classroom with a smile on her face. She closed the door and walk to the front of the classroom. "Well class you had all day yesterday to study the scene, now who's ready to go first."
I turned back to Grayson, "do you want to go first."
"Let's go tomorrow, I'm not feeling it to day," he said.
"Ok," I nodded and turned back around. What was going on with Grayson. His acting different from yesterday. Was it me?
When the class period was over I got up from my seat and put my book bag on my back.
Grayson started hugging me and he whispered, "I'm so sorry for being so rude to you."
"Its ok, maybe I could come to your house later," I smiled.
"Sure, sweet cheeks," he said, "ill put you up at 5:00 ok."
"Ok babe," I said. I let go of Grayson and waved him bye. I went to my second period class.
I sat in my usual seat. Chemistry has always been a hard subject for me especially when I have the same class as Logan.
"Hey babygirl I heard you have a new boyfriend, did you told him about your whoring ways," Logan said.
"No I didn't, and you know what your just jealous that you can't have me so fuck off," I said.
"Oh babygirl, I don't get jealous, when I want something I get it," he said.
"Like I give a damn," I said.
"Well you should, because I want you bad," he said.
"Well I don't want you, snake," I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever I can always get other girls," Logan smirked.
"Good luck with that," I rolled my eyes. I honestly can't wait to go to Grayson's house. I love hanging out with him.

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