Chapter 8

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I went outside to see if Tomas left. He did. I saw Grayson pulled up in his truck. I walk to his truck. Grayson looked worried. I open the truck door and sit on the passenger seat.
"What happened to your neck," Grayson demanded.
"I fell," I said
"Y/N you did not fell, stop lying to me," he was pissed.
"My step dad tried to kill me," I said with tears in my eyes.
"Where is he," Grayson yelled.
"His gone, my mom made him leave," I said.
"Yeah he better be, or ill kill him myself," Grayson said.
"Grayson I don't won't you to get hurt," I said to him.
"Oh I don't care about me Y/N, I care about you, I love you," he said.
I started crying. Grayson rub my back slowly. "I love you too, Gray," I put my head on his chest. Sobbing on it.
"Its ok I'm here for you," he said. He turned on his car and drive to his house.
I got out of his truck and went to the house. Grayson was behind me. "Hey Y/N are you ok," Ethan said as I walk in the house.
"I'm fine," I said.
"No your not," Grayson said.
"Yes I am," I said.
"Y/N please don't make this harder then what it is," Grayson said.
"I going to your room to think," I said and left the living room.
I went to Grayson room and layed on his bed. My makeup was running now. I heard the door open and I see Grayson standing behind it.
"Mind if I come in," he said.
"Yeah," I pouted.
Grayson slowly came in and layed beside me. "I'm sorry, it just I hear rumors about you earlier today," Grayson said.
"What rumors," I asked.
"Some girl name Alexandra said that Y/N is a slut, and she's a snake," Grayson said, "is that true."
"No this is what happened, I was dating Jake Paul, he was so cool you know, but Logan, his brother, tried to have sex with me, I said no but he wouldn't let go, so he told Jake that I was sleeping with him, which cause Jake to dump me, and Logan told the whole school that I was a whore and don't sleep with her she has stds," I paused. I looked at Grayson. He paying attention to me.
"And that only happen a month ago," I said.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't know that," Grayson kissed the top of my forehead.
"I have another confession to make, when this whole drama started with me and Logan, I started cutting my wrist," I said as I pulled up my jacket sleeve and it showed three fresh cuts on my wrist. Grayson looked at it and kissed them.
"For the record, I still love you, and maybe marry you one day," Grayson said.
"Maybe one day," I said. I pull Grayson from my wrist and kissed him on the lips. This kiss was different. It was with more passion. Grayson climbed on top of me and took his shirt off. I rubbed my hands on his abs. I took off my shirt revealing my black lingerie bra.
"You look so amazing Y/N," he said kissing my neck.
I bit my lower lip trying not to make a loud orgasm. Grayson put his hands inside of my pants and pulled them off of me.
"Wait a sec," Grayson said as he went to his dresser, and pulled out a short square wrapper. It was a condom. "Are you sure your ready for this," he said.
I nodded my head and he came to me and he caressed my thighs. Grayson spread my legs open. He bite my panties line and pulled them off of me. He was looking at me, and he slowly came to me and kissed me deeper. Grayson took off his pants and threw them on the floor. He nip my neck which cause me to moan louder.
"Shh, I don't Ethan trying to listen to us," he whispered.
"Ok," I said.
Grayson unhooked my bra and kissed my breasts. He moved back down to my heat. He kissed it. "Stop teasing," I yelp.
Grayson smile put his tongue inside of me. I grabbed the bed sheets. I tried not to make sound.
"God Grayson," I whispered. I had a tear drop going down my eye. To be honest Grayson was my first. "Grayson I think I'm goi--," I said.
"Wait," Grayson said. And then he pulled off his boxers. He came in me so slow. Every time it felt like he was going in so deep. I dig my nails into his back.
I let out a quiet moan still biting my lower lip. Grayson pushed arms back beside me and held them there. My toes folded up. I wrapped my legs around him. He push himself on the bed and now I'm on top.
"It's time for me to ride you partner," I said in a country voice. Grayson laughed and held on my hips. I started doing figure 8s on him. He started moaning.
I put my first finger on his lips, "shhh Ethan might hear us," I said smiling.
I felt my walls clenched and I got wet on Grayson. I layed beside him breathing harder.
"How do you feel," Grayson said breathing heavily.
"It was amazing," I said.
"It was," he said kissing me on my lips.

A/N: this was my first time writing a sex scene so pls bare with me 😂😂😂.

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