Troye Sivan and Conner Franta Gets Back Together!

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This Chapter Is Long! Also, A Couple More Chapters Left. Enjoy!
To The Story,
Dan and I was doing some videos with ourselves until we got alert that Tronner might come back together. Dan was screaming like a fan girl and for me I was laughing. Of course, Dan screams as a fan girl once awhile, but I didn't know he shipped Tronner like I do. Well, I gotta go to the kitchen now.

I'm going to make some breakfast for myself because Dan is sleeping. He always sleeps in and I don't because I love waking up every morning with a hot steamy coffee with half and half of cream. Oh good, there is more croissants in the freezer so I can put it in the toaster to cook. This is awesome! Okay, I put in my croissants in the toaster and now I have to wait until the Coffee is done. Well, this is going to take 15 minutes to be finished; The time is 8:30 and Dan will be up at 3:00. So, I won't see or talk to him until he is up. The videos that we were doing is coming out soon. My life is getting better each day but sometimes not really. I'm still worried if Tyler is going to come back/escape from jail.
6 hours later,
Dan: Good Afternoon

Phil: I made you a sandwich

Dan: Thanks

Phil: You are welcome, by the way do you ship Tronner?

Dan: Yes duh

Phil: I was just wondering

Dan: So, what are you doing?

Phil: Editing my video that I'm posting tomorrow at 12:30

Dan: Oh Okay! Is this wheat?

Phil: Yes

Dan: Okay, thanks. May I sit next to you and watch some movies with you?

Phil: Sure, want a drink?

Dan: No thanks

Phil: Alright, so what do you want to watch?

Dan: I don't know

Phil: Me either

Dan: Haha *blush*

Phil: Of course, you are blushing

Dan: Hehe ;)

Phil: Now, you are winking!

Dan: Hehe

Phil: Well, Christmas is coming in 8 days, why not get ready for Christmas

Dan: Sure, let's just decorate our gaming room

Phil: Okay!

The Next Day,
There hasn't been much going on lately, just people asking when we are doing tour again! Well, to answer that question I have no clue when and I think we shouldn't do a tour for awhile. I'm not being a jerk to my and Dan fans, but I just think we shouldn't do one for awhile. Like, maybe in May we do a another tour, I don't know. I have to ask Dan though. We even have to write a book about the tour like we did with
Dan & Phil Go Outside. We really don't need to, but I think we should. The time right now is 2:45 and I know I said I will post at 12:30, but I didn't feel like it, so I post it at 1:00 instead. Troye post on Twitter saying, "Conner and I together? Well, I don't think that's a good idea" Conner replied on Twitter saying, "I am sorry, but I think Tronner won't happen" That was it for that they wrote. They wrote that 4 hours ago, so no one knows what is going on with these two. Maybe, they are hooking up! We will never know until they announce it.
Meanwhile at Troye Sivan House, Troye POV
Jacob bought me this house when we were together, but now I'm so lonely. Tons of people want me to get back together with Conner. Well I'm going to bed now but before I do I just want to say to everyone goodnight. Goodnight everyone!

Back At The Phan House, Phil POV
It's now 8:39, and I need to go bed because my mother is coming over to celebrate Christmas to Dan and I. Around 4, she would be at the house and I am excited to see her again because she loves Dan and I. She respects us being together and that makes me happy. Well, night guys see you in the morning!
At Conner Franta House, Conner POV
I want to get back together with Troye, but Troye might don't want to get back together with me. I didn't mean to cheat on him by going on Tumbler without him. *Buzz* *Buzz* Who is keep on texting me?

[Text Messages Scene]
Troye: Sup
1 minute later,
Troye: Hello?

Conner: Sorry I just got your text now!

Troye: Oh okay. So, what's up?

Conner: Not Much. I moved to New York awhile ago

Troye: I moved to New York last week

Conner: Are you busy? 😊

Troye: Nah, I woke up 2 hours ago

Conner: What did you do today?

Troye: Travel, buy stuff, and etc

Conner: I went food shopping

Troye: My brothers are bugging me!

Conner: What are they saying?

Troye: 'Troye is talking to Conner. Tronner is back'

Conner: Are they visiting you?

Troye: Yes. Mom told me to hang with them

Conner: I'm sorry

Troye: So, this might be odd, but are you single?

Conner: Yeah, why?

Troye: Want to be my mine again?

Conner: As a couple?

Troye: Yes 😏

Conner: Okay! Well, I need to go to bed. I'm exhausted. Love you

Troye: Love you too!

The Next Morning, Phil POV
Dan and I slept together because Dan didn't feel like sleeping in his own room. My mom will be here in 2 hour. Dan and I made breakfast/brunch at 7:30 in the morning. Right now it's 11:30 in the morning. Dan went back to bed. *Dan light snores* *Phil tucks Dan in bed* Dan is so cute when he sleeps. Okay, that sounds creepy, but he is my boyfriend after all. Haha I'm mess up. *Twitter Alert* Woah, A new Twitter post from Conner and Troye!

Twitter: "Troye and I are a couple" - Conner "Conner and I are a couple" - Troye

Oh wow. Tronner is back together! Yay!

See You Guys Next Chapter!
This isn't really long. I'm sorry!

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