She's Alive

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-Not edited !-
~images ahead~

~3rd Person POV~

Faith was slowing waking up, as she started to wake up she felt the touch of the blankets and the touch of another hand touching hers. Faith opened her eyes she turns to her left and sees Barry sleeping on the hotel chair next to the bed.

Faith shifts up and Barry immediately wakes up.

"Hey you're awake, we were getting worried" Barry says with a tired smile.

"How long was I out?" Faith asks as she tries not to yawn.

Barry hesitates and Faith raises her eyebrow.

"Three days" Barry says and Faith's eyes widen.

"That long? Why didn't you wake me up?" Faith asked as she started to get up and groaned and Barry slowly moved her back to lay down.

"Caitlin said you needed the rest from what happened at the airport. Also, she thinks you're not getting enough sleep" Barry says.

"I'm getting enough" Faith replied.

"Obviously not, just please, just rest a little longer, for me?" Barry asked.

"Fine, for you" Faith replied and Barry gave Faith a small smile and leaned in and gave Faith a small peck on the lips.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Caitlin and Cisco went out for lunch, Loki and Thor went outside to talk a few minutes ago"

Thor and Loki then came back inside and saw Faith awake.

"I'm glad you're awake" Thor smiled.

"May my brother and I speak to Faith..alone please?" Loki asked and Barry nodded and got up and left, giving Faith a small smile before he went outside to find Caitlin and Cisco.

"Did it work?" Faith asked referring to their stunt at the airport.

"No, they sadly, but brutally fought against each other till the other Iron Man fell out of the sky and Cap and his friend left in a jet" Thor said and put his arms behind him.

"Way to word it brother" Loki says as he rolls his eyes.

Faith just looked between the brothers in shock.

Her plan didn't work, it failed.

"Captain America's team was arrested and they were all put in a holding cell" Loki said.

"So jail?" Faith asked.

"Yes and no, jail can not hold them, but in a cell, yes" Loki says and looks at his feet.

"My dad too" Faith whispers to herself, but both brothers heard it.

"We do know however, that Stark expects to show up where they are holding the prisoners" Thor says.

"What good does that do me?" Faith asked as she just looked at the blankets she was covered with.

"There will be opening for you to get in and possibly, if you want to, break everyone out of the cells" Loki said.

"They think I'm dead" Faith said.

"Well luckily you aren't, and you can save all of them" Loki said with a smug look on his face

"Who is...all of them?" Faith asked.

Thor and Loki exchanged a look.
Loki then cleared his throat.

"Wanda, Sam, Scott, and Clint" Loki said.

"So, all of them are...locked up?" Faith said as she felt a lump in her throat.

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