Blue Desert

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From what I've got , take a look to that scene where they was sitting on a couch . Jin was running to some place which I can tell this are related to the previous video . And we can see that they are inserting dessert , universe and sea theme . Again , this can relate to bts song titled SEA .

As Jimin said , serendipity and DNA m/v has the same starter . But the movement from the eye is different . I am not remembering the way , rather it go zoom in or zoom out .

Anyway , watch BTS make their reaction video towards DNA m/v and you may know what are the things that I am babbling about .


Most of the art drawings that had showned in blood sweat tears is  related to one lagend .

Icarus .

Aq akan cerita sikit but kalau nak lebih detail boleh search google .

Berdasarkan apa yang aku ingat , Icarus ni ada sayap (wings lah ni) ha . Kalau korang tengok an , depa banyak main air dalam mv tuh . Ha cite dia gini , Icarus terjatuh dalam lautan tak silap so dia lemas lah sebab sayap dia tak berfungsi pe semua kan .

In Greek mythology, Icarus (the Latin spelling, conventionally adopted in English; Ancient Greek: Ἴκαρος, ÍkarosEtruscanVikare[1]) is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth. Often depicted in art, Icarus and his father attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. Icarus' father warns him first of complacency and then of hubris, asking that he fly neither too low nor too high, so the sea's dampness would not clog his wings or the sun's heat melt them. Icarus ignored his father's instructions not to fly too close to the sun; when the wax in his wings melted he tumbled out of the sky and fell into the sea where he drowned.

This tragic theme of failure at the hands of hubris contains similarities to that of Phaëthon.

Source : google

And korang ingat tak drawings yang Jin perhati masa dalam Blood Sweat Tears .

Kalau nak kaitkan Love Yourself comeback pulak . Dia org dedahkan kita dengan adegan kat laut kan . Ha , nanti aku akan cari maksud disebalik cerita Icarus tuh and explain dengan lebih jelas . ( anggap ni mcm trailer luh la )

Icarus ni kalau korang nak tahu , cerita dia berasal dari Eropah. Ada kawan aq aka ARMY yang kat sana roger aq pasal cite ni sebab tu aq tahu .

And kalau korang tengok BTS dtg kat Knowing Brother , dia orang kan ada main kuiz . And ada sekali dia tanya pasal dewa yang jatuh dalam laut ek (?) Ha lebih kurang ah soalan tuh . Ha jawapan aq ngan rapmon masa tu sama sia .

Jawapan dia Icarus .

So terbuktilah bahawa Rap Mon tahu tentang cerita Icarus kan . And benda tu tak masuk akal lah sekarang ni kalau nak dikaitkan dengan dia orang punya jalan cerita yang tah ke apa" ni .

Actually aq tak boleh nak relate kan semua sangat cause what ?

Sesungguhnya , jalan cerita dia agak terabur and sometimes macan takde kene mengena .

It's hard to make a theory when there is no subjects to tell about tho .

Aq sesungguhnya nak sangat buat theory DNA but it is just complicated .

Just korang ingat , kalini dia orang tumpukan fokus pada LAUT and PADANG PASIR . Dalam mv DNA dia org banyak guna cg (computer graphic) but pepandai lah nampak kang . Dia org ada selitkan lautan and padan pasir .

Masa lagu serendipity pulak tak yah cakap ah . Jelas" ada lautan .

Spring day pon .

Butterfly pon .

Will be continued about the relationship beetween Icarus and BTS .

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