Baby Powder

19 0 6

Random Saying of the Day: Dem spicy meows!!!

In 6th grade around springtime we had this project that we had to do about an Egyptian god or goddess. For this project we had to make a fake interview with the god/goddess. For this project Cha and Anna were partners and they were researching one of the gods (i'm pretty sure it was Anubis but not positive) For their skit Anna was the reporter interviewing the god and Cha was the god. Cha thought of the god they were researching as stuck up so as part of skit they decided that they would make it so that the reporter would play a prank on her. Cha had to go into the bathroom to get ready for her performance and Anna had started the thing expecting Cha to walk in at the right time. They ended up waiting for a while until Cha finally came through the door riding in a tiny car with a hat on. Cha (the god) was continuously flirting with the reporter and the reporter was getting annoyed with it. They did the skit and at the very end Cha took off the hat and revealed to the audience that there was baby powder under the hat. They made it seem as though the reporter had pulled a prank and put the baby powder in that hat. Except Cha ended up having baby powder in her hair the rest of the day.


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