Cha's Food Mixers

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Writers Note: This is a story about a person named Cha(rainbowbarfer21). It will just be a collection of funny and stupid stories. Enjoy!!

Lets start at our fifth grade lunch table. Usually we would be sitting with our friends Brain and Alex. but one of the idiotic lunch laddies made a rule at that time that girls could only sit on one half of the lunchroom and guys could only sit on the other half. So me, Cha, and Anna were sitting with some of the popular kids who didn't like Cha that much.

That day I had candy and Anna had potato chips so we traded and Cha asked if she could have some potato chips. I told her I'd give her some if she put a potato chip and a couple pieces of candy in her milk and then drink it. So she put the food into her milk and at the end of lunch she refused to drink the milk so I told her I'd give her a chocolate bar if she drank it. But it was just the beginning.

In the coming weeks Cha kept doing stuff like this putting bread crust, orange slice, orange peel, chips, and candy into random food cups. The worst was though one time she had an applesauce container with a little bit of applesauce left in it and she decided to put a bit of milk in it. Next she put the crust of her bread, orange peel, and other random crumbs of food from her lunch into the applesauce container. While she was mixing the food it accidentally got spilt it was all over the table. The other girls at our table started gagging and a few of them ran to the bathroom because they had to throw up after seeing Cha's mixture of food.


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