Dating Carl Grimes Includes

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-You andbhim having matching plaid shirts and wearing them at the same time by accident

-Practicing your shooting skills together

-Making pinky promises

-Spending the day taking care of Judith and reading comic books together

-Being eachothers first kiss

-Him always sharing his bowl of pudding with you

-You giving him man buns and braiding his hair

-Bringing back stuff you know the other would enjoy

-Rick and Michonne walking on your makeout sessions

-Getting dating advice from Glenn and Maggie

-Rick awkwardly sitting both of you down for 'The talk'

-Sex with Carl the first time would be fumbly, giggly and semi-awkward seeking it both of yours first times.

-Carl being scared to death and always blaming himself whenever you get hurt

-Sneaking into his room at night to sleep in his bed beacuse the two of you can't sleep not being by eachothers side

-Carl getting annoyed at how stubborn you are

-Holding hands at the dinner table and all of your family poking fun and teasing you

-Carl puching you behind him whenever Negan makes a trip to Alexandria

-Carl teaching you everything he knows

-Hand in hand walks around Alexandria in the early morning

-Hundreds of private jokes that only the two of you understand

-Him holding you tightly after a close call with a walker, stroking your their gently and hushing you

-Gentle forehead and cheek kisses

-Gentle forehead and cheek kisses

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