Chapter Three

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Ed Sheeran- Make It Rain


Just as I had expected. Sloppy. As I went over the blueprints I was seriously disappointed in them. Although this just made it all much easier for me, I couldn't help but think that the man who I once considered to be my father, is an imbecile.

There are two tunnels that lead out of the wall. I'm sure he had forgotten them. They lead to the underground dungeons the pack never used while I was there. Those were made for pack members that had betrayed the alpha's trust.

That has never been heard of in Fire Rose so there's no need to guard them or even think that someone would use them to break into the packhouse. Which means, this is the easiest and quietest route inside. Even if they did have prisoners in there. There would only be two guards. One on the inside and one guarding the door on the outside.

Jose would easily be able to take them down. Jason can tell us how close other wolves are. That boy has a magical sense of smell. Austin our beta, he's the best hacker and Broadway actor I've ever met. Not that I've met a lot of those. The guy as big as he is can worm his way into places no one would ever even consider. He is a really good beta as well. Alpha Ray had him watch me when I first came here. After that, he just wanted to be included in everything I did. His mate Nate adores me for keeping his man alive. Now and then we go out and have mani-pedis together. Something I've never talked Austin into.

"Austin?" I called out.

"Mmmmm," he hummed from behind the three computer screens he's sitting in front of.

"Remember those little camera thingies you made last year that you put in the girl's bathroom for Jose when Damara was cheating on him?"

"Mhmm. Yep,"

"I want you to plant them when we're in there. In the jail cells and anywhere you go once inside the packhouse. Do as many as you can,"

"Does Ray know?" he asked.

"No, but I doubt he'll oppose to it. Especially, when I get caught," he looked up giving me his undivided attention now.

"Get caught?"

"I need to speak with the alpha. Varco and I have some unsettled business,"

"So, getting caught is your plan?" he exclaimed like it was such a bad thing.

"He's going to let me out. I just need some time,"

"What if he doesn't Zulu?"

"It's a what if,"

"It's a hell of a what if. If he catches you after you having just killed his father. He's going to kill you,"

"He won't kill me,"

"Zulu you don't know that,"

"When I'm caught they'll lock me up in the dungeons. Escape route, remember?" he shook his head knowing no one. Not even the alpha would be able to talk me out of this.


We left all of our belongings in Jason's hummer. Once we were settled in we found that my dad didn't live in the packhouse at all. He lives in the penthouse of one of the grand complex buildings my mom had designed before she died protecting this prick. He stays up there all day and all night. No one went up there except for the four maids that take up his food and clean up after him.

"So, how much longer do we have to observe?" Jason asked saying the last word sarcastically it's better than when he says stalk. "The dungeons are open for us now,"

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