The ancient oaks years ago were happy, yes some were cut down for fire wood others to build housing, but people were grateful to them. Kids climbed into there branches, playing, laughing, happy. They made tree houses some badly, but the oaks contented, they enjoyed the positive attention the children give them. Squirrels collected all their acorns, took them away to bury them for winter food, but some would grow into great oaks.
For thousand of years this was true, But hundreds of years ago roads began to be built and cars appearing. The roads were like spider webs across the land, land dug up forests disappeared, the great oaks became fewer, anxious, will it end. Roots began twitching, out of anguish, will it be next one to go?
In the depth of the ground, the dismayed twitching echoed down, Beelzebub sensed it. The ancient oak stood alone, surrounded by farm land, but men kept coming, talking, measuring, cut it down, dig that up. tear it down. Twitching became panicky, Beelzebub, started to posses the roots.
Machinery began to arrive first digging up farm land, seagulls came to catch the juicy worms, hedges fell , mice scuttled away, caterpillars fell, black birds came for them. Evil began to go grow along the roots, climbing up the tree, the old oak filled with strength and wantedness, evil was upon it. Days of digging went by, lorry's came empty went away full, animals sad, lost homes, family, seagulls seemed never to be full.
Machinery was getting closer oaks anguish and hate getting stronger, Demon voices began to be heard, branches moved up and down in a thumping motion. The men came again looking, talking, wondering why the oak was moving in that way as there was not any wind. One of them came closer a branch wildly swung round, hitting him in the face like a knife , the other guy rushed to him, only to be wet by branches to swing, knocking him to the earth, a sharp root clawed at his leg as he crawled away, grabbing his colleague as he went. they sat wounded, bleeding, wondering what had just happened.
An ambulance was called for the injured but the paramedics did not believe the story they were told. The site manager was not impressed he thought they had been fighting "bull shit its not Halloween, the rest of you get on with your jobs" he shouted . Other men moved over to do as asked. the branch's again began to move violently, one man was catapulted into the air, his body fell in front of a passing lorry, another hard to the earth, the roots clawed at his face, his arm was grabbed and pulled into the earth. Everyone who had witnessed it stood with mouths open wide in pure disbelief, except one he became heroic and pulled him away to safety. Injured men were taken to the ambulance, the site manager mumbled , "what trickory is this" and contackted the local police.