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Police Officers  began looking for evidence, evidence of what one of them commented. It was a horrid, miserable task, moving dead rats, and checking them individually before bagging them up. It was a grimacing job, so many, so far none were seen to be alive. The armed officers stood waiting, impatiently now, they wanted to see some action, they all loved it when a rat popped its head up, shooting it  down was so much fun!

All of a sudden, a shocking discovery was made, shouting began, calling the Sargent. The crumpled bloody mess of Eddy, blood trickling from his neck and legs, holes in leathers, helmet pushed over to one side, was he dead? The Sargent felt his neck for a pulse, others watched, waiting, needing a positive answer, although most expected to be negative. Sargent, straight on his radio, "get some paramedics here NOW, a man needs to be airlifted to hospital, immediately its a matter of life or death".

The police Eye in the Sky heard this and offered assistance. They had been unable to find rat man, so glad to be able help the offer team. So, they flew to hospital, picked up paramedics and all of their equipment, then off to incident site, but will they be quick enough? The others just stood, watching, helpless, waiting, wanting him to live. Should he put him in the recovery position or wait for reinforcements, Sargent was thinking, he was concerned he could make things worse by trying.

Wiring of blades was soon to be heard, relief was starting to grow on the Sargent's face, he instructed the officers to find the best and most suitable place for the helicopter to land. Blades soon overhead, leaves blowing around freely, officer guiding with precision, determination to succeed. The landing went smoothly, officers ran to help as Paramedics came out of the aircraft, they directed them to the casualty and carried equipment.

Extremely shocked faces of the paramedics went to work. First of all taking off the helmet  carefully, but disaster blood started spurting.  One of them applied pressure to stop the bleeding whilst clotting took over. Oxygen was given immediately , now the helmet had gone, they also hooked him up with a heart monitor. "Were Losing him", they began heart compressions, another began to cut away his leathers, so the defibrillator can be used.

They worked on him for what seemed like hours to the watching officers, "ok we have him back", the paramedics told the watchers with a smile, a wave of relief spread across all. Leathers started being removed carefully, showing the full extent  of the rats bites. It was unbelievable, rats should not be able to achieve this level of destruction. the wounds, some nasty were slowly, individually dressed, using sterile strips and pads, to stop bleeding, stitches would be needed, also antibiotics, when at hospital.

The stretcher was brought closer, paramedics, checked the heart monitor, he was picked up carefully, placed onto the stretcher, someone holding the oxygen tank. The helicopter blades started wiring again, they all then worked together to get Eddy loaded as fast as possible, success. Officers all watched as it flew away, then slowly walked to the police van, they sat together quietly, with flasks of tea and coffee, a break was well deserved.  


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