Chapter 5

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You were back at another stupid house with stupid chains on you.

"This seems pointless. What do you want anyways," you asked.

"I obviously want the walls destroyed and I want all titan power to go to Marley so I'm deciding on whether to eat you or use you to bargain," he stated honestly.

"Eat me?!" You yelled at him.

"Yeah. I'll just use you then," he said and stood up.

"Now wait just a minute here mister. You're not using me in anyway possible," you yelled at him. "But I'll give in on one condition."

"What is it," Zeke asked.

"If you can beat Reiner in a titan fight then I'll give in but if he beats you. You will give me back to him," you stated.

"Psh. Deal. Here's some food. Make it last. I'll be gone for a bit, " Zeke said and then left.

You sighed and then laid down on the ground and stared out the window.

"Please win Reiner."

Eren POV:

The commander is still deciding. My guess is that it will take day because he's going to be analyzing all the outcomes at this point.

I just hope everything alright with the others.

Ymir POV:

I was lying in the grass with Historia. I stared up at the night sky and sighed. I smiled and then cuddled Historia closer to me.

"Ymir. Do you think the others will be alright," Historia asked.

"Of course. All three of them were in the top ten so they'll be alright, " I stated.

"You're right. Good night Ymir," Historia said.

"Good night Historia," I said and smiled.

'Reiner. Don't screw up anything while I'm away.'

Annie POV:

We sat out around a small fire we had made earlier. The stars looked beautiful in the night sky. I then looked back down at the flames.

"Everything alright, Annie," Bertholdt asked.

"I'm fine. I just hope the others hurry it up. I don't like to wait," I said and yawned.

"It will all work out, okay?" Bertholdt said and smiled.

I then felt his strong arms around me. Now I don't usually react like this but I blushed and then rested my head against him and slowly fell asleep.

Reiner POV:

I watched Annie and Bertholdt and smiled. But this hurt more, it reminded me of (y/n). Oh how I miss her sweet smile and beautiful hair and features.

I sighed and then laid down against the cold stone and stared up at the stars drifting into sleep.


Reiner misses you. Why do I torture people like this. Ugh

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