Chapter 6

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3rd POV:

Ymir and Historia were asleep still. Jean and Armin were working out plans with the commander and Levi.

Eren stood with Mikasa and stared off into the distance.

"You think they're telling the truth," Eren asked.

"Reiner wouldn't lie about this because (y/n)'s life is decided between all of this. Zeke has her, he's the beast titan. Which makes him a threat to us. And our other enemies want to do anything to get their friend back. I've looked this through and in my own head and we should take the deal to help them," Mikasa said.

"That's surprising coming from you," Eren said.

"She was my sister too idiot. I'm not heartless. We're still gonna have to wait awhile before they decide though. No stone left unturned," Mikasa stated.

Eren huffed. "Alright. But I hate this waiting. Can't we just save her and get Wall Maria now."

"These plans take time so shut up," Mikasa said.

Levi and Erwin walked out.

"Get those two brats up," Levi said coldly.

"Yes sir," Eren said and saluted.

He then walked over and began to shake Ymir and Historia awake.

"Hands off my Historia," Ymir hissed and sat up. She then yawned and stood up.

Historia got up as well and gazed over at Levi.

"We will help you but afterwards you all will accept the consequences of your actions," Erwin said.

"Yes sir," Historia said and Ymir nodded and huffed.

"You should go back and tell your friends," Levi said.

"I'll go. I'll take some supplies and gear for my friends," Ymir said. "Historia stays here that way I have a better reason to come back and discuss things with you."

"How will you carry all of this exactly," Levi asked.

"Uh. Titan duh," Ymir said.

"Well get on with it," Levi stated and huffed.

Reiner POV:

I woke up and the sun was directly above me. I groaned and then sat up. I looked around to just see Annie lying there. Bertholdt must have gone out to scout out a few things.

Just then I heard loud thuds. Annie obviously felt it too because she got back up.

"Guys!" Bertholdt landing beside us. "It's him."

"No," Annie said and her eyes widened.

Just then the thudding stopped. They all looked over and saw the beast titan climbing the wall. Once he was done climbing he stood there before them.

"Zeke! Where is she!" I yelled at him.

He emerged from his titan form and walked down to them. Annie stood beside Bertholdt and was glaring daggers at him.

"She's fine in my opinion," Zeke said. "But where she is you cannot know until later. She sent me here. Said if you won a fight against me you can go save her. And if not there's nothing we can do."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The scouts have her. I was able to slip past then a few days ago and get this message," Zeke said. He was lying! But they didn't know that.

"Those scouts," I said.

"But I saw you had someone in your hand," Annie accused.

"That was a scouts person who had found me. I wasn't going to let them slip away," Zeke said. "Now Reiner. About that fight."

"It's on!" I yelled and then transformed into my titan form.

I stood there fifteen meters tall. "Let's do this."

Will Reiner win? Or will things all go to he'll? Who knows. More chapters will be posted tomorrow

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