• F O U R •

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- Kim So Hee -

Jungkook always helps me when I'm crying with MoMo is not her. Btw she is on tour that's why I barely talk about her. "So Hee, are you ok now?" He asked as I realize that I was lost in thought. "Yea, thanks for the hug." I smiled as he looks at me concerned. As he taps on my forehead. "You know I'm always here for you." He smiled, as I lightly blushed.

What's wrong with me, why am I feeling like this. Maybe because I cried in front of him and it's been a while. I shake it off and i smile more. As I clear my face, the rest of the members came out. "Oo, Kim So Hee, hi!." J-hope said sounding tired. "Is that my sunshine." I heard Jiminie yelling from inside the practice room. "Ani, She is my sunshine." As they were trying to get out of the practice room.

"Yah!! Are we going to start again." I yelled at them as they stopped and started apologizing. I smiled as the other members laughed.

- Jungkook -

After we hangout a little at the studio, I told them that I was going home because I was too tired, they at first found it weird because everytime we finish practicing we go eat but I have fix for Kim So Hee. I can't see her cry, it hurts me seeing my angel cry for someone else.

I walked to where that piece of shit lives. As I was getting there, I saw a girl, I thought that it was So Hee but It wasn't. She looking more thotty. I saw them kiss as I took out my phone and took a picture. 'I'll just put this around the campus and see how he reacts' I thought and smirked.

> next day <

I finished putting the pictures around the campus before anyone was here and as I was about to put the last one student started coming in the school. I hide along with the papers. I shredded the paper in a shredding machine. Not leaving a single clue as I ran out of the class as I went to the cafe to get a drink.

I walked of the cafe as I saw Kim So Hee and the rest of the members. "Yah!" I wave my hand as they saw me and smiled and ran to them. "You always get a drink and you don't get me one." So Hee said as we saw people looking at the pictures, I acted like I didn't know as we got closer to the picture, they all got shocked as I also went along with it and looked at Kim So Hee.

- Kim So Hee -

I felt my eyes starting to get blurry, as I looked at the picture. 'Why did he do it?. Was I not go enough?' I started crying as Tae and Jiminie were hugging me, why didn't I trust my feelings when they were telling me that he was using me. He just wanted me to help him get more fame. I knew being a model was going to be hard but never did I thought someone will use for that.

"So Hee!" I heard his voice from behind us. "It's not what it looks like." He said as I looked at him. Tae Oppa grabbed him by his collar, "How could you do this to my baby sister, I trusted you." Tae oppa said with anger. Jiminie went to stop Tae oppa as I was crying a waterfall. My knees got weak as I felt like i was going to fall as I felt arms around.

I looked up and it was Jungkook..


Sorry for this crappie chapter but here is another update, vote and add to your library for more updates

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