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Kim So Hee                            ***It has been five months now and it's time to know what our baby is going to be, but Tae oppa wanted it to be a surprise

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Kim So Hee
It has been five months now and it's time to know what our baby is going to be, but Tae oppa wanted it to be a surprise. "So Hee are you ready? We have to be there in 10 minutes." I heard Yoongi from downstairs. "Yes, I'm ready, we are not that far from the house." I replied as I saw Yoongi and Ji Hee waiting for me. I smiled as I walked towards them. "Let's go." I smile as we went to car. As we were getting there, Tae oppa calles.


"Sunshine, are you getting here?"

"Ye, I'm just around the cor-"

"So Hee, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Hyung, there is nothing to worry about her, I'll take perfect care of her and Ji Hee. If you want Yoongi hyung to live. He is right at the corner."


Chuckles "hyung think it to late for that."


All I saw Ji Hee in Jungkook's arms as Yoongi was on the floor next to me. I try to crawl to him as I put my hand on my stomach."Y-yoongi, please w-wake up." I cried as everything slowly started going black.

I asked one of my friend if can buy one if his pick up trucks. In which Im going to use for my plan. As I Yoongi hyung's car about to turn. I started my car and drove high speed until I saw his car flip. I got out of my car and walked towards the car and took Yoongi out and then So Hee as I reached out to get Ji Hee. As I heard your phone. I picked it up it was Taehyung. I chuckled as he threatened me. I knew So Hee wouldn't let them do anything to me. As much as you want to hate me you can't.

I carried both of them to the house and call another friend which is a doctor. I got in the car as I saw Taehyung and Jimin hyung running towards Yoongi and looked at me, I just smirked before leaving them there. I looked to see both of them as I smile.

Once we reached the house, my friend was already waiting the as he walked to the car and carried Ji Hee and I carried So Hee to the room. After awhile he finished check her. "Unfortunately she lost the baby again. Jungkook you really need to watch what you do to her, she already suffer with her first child's death, now this is her second. She a lucky one because not every women can get pregnant." He said as I just stared at him. "Well that's fortunate for me. I don't have to deal Yoongi child."

His eyes widened as I heard him sigh and started walking away. "Also, she will be bleeding so it's better if you tell her." It was last thing he said as I went to my office and started throwing everything around. Why the fuck he had to remind of my child. This is all her fault if she didn't leave this wouldn't happened.

As Jungkook cut the line, told Jimin to come with me as I ran out the house and look around until I saw Yoongi car from a distance. I start running towards it, the closer I got the more i saw. I saw Jungkook put So Hee in his car as I try to tun faster, but I was to late and he drove off. I still ran towards Yoongi as we took him to the hospital. The doctor told us that he'll be ok. We waited as he woke up. "Taehyung, What happened?" He ask as I looked.

"Mianhae, hyung we tried to get So Hee, but he took her." Jimin told him as I saw his hand form into a fist. Jimin gave him the picture of the unborn baby. "She was going to a beautiful baby." He said as he looked down. "Was? What do you mean by was?!" He asked as I flinched by his shout. "Mianhae, hyung she lost the baby during the accident. Jungkook called to tell us." We looked away as he threw the things from the table stand next to him.

"I'm going to kill even if it cause my own life." He said as I looked at him with eyes widened. "Hyung, are you crazy? You can't go do that you'll hurt So Hee. Think about her." I said as he replied back. "He is a monster that needs to be destroy."

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