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> Kim So Hee <

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> Kim So Hee <

Something must be wrong with me. Why do I keep on thinking of Jungkook, after the way you has treated me. I grabbed my hair as I was trying to forget the memory that we had. I felt hands on top of mine, "Mianhae So Hee, I can't help you forget those moments." Yoongi said as I looked at him. "A-Ani, I'm just trying to get use to the dizziness." I smile as he bend down and hugged my waist and put his head on my stomach. At first I became stiff as I saw him, i started to relax as I smiled.

"I remember, I got something for you and Ji Hee, I'll go get it from the car." He said as he went ran, left me giggling. I'm guessing he parked his car pretty far. I went to the kitchen as I heard the open and close. "Honey, that was quick." I said as I walked out of the kitchen. "What was it that yo-" I didn't finish my question, as I saw who it was. The person that wanted to see the least. "J-jungkook." I said as I started trembling. "Yes, babe I'm home." You said as you smiled. I covered my stomach to protect my baby.

"How has our baby been?" You asked, as I looked at you in disbelief. "This not your baby, it's my husband's." I said, not waiting ji Hee to hear although she now calls Yoongi daddy, she still asked about Jungkook. "I am your husband." You said. "Ji Hee lock the door and don't come out until you hear my voice at your door, okay?!" I yelled as I looked Jungkook. "Ok mommy." I heard the door close and locked. "My princess is just like my queen." You said as you walked closer. I backed up as my hands were still on my stomach. "Stay away from me." I yelled as I went to kitchen. "I just want to hug my wife and baby," you said with a devilish smile.

"Yoongi!" I yelled for him as you laughed. "Don't worry he can't hear you right now, he is taking a little nap." I gasped as I looked around and I grabbed a knife. I pointed it at you, "where is my husband?" I asked. "Yoongi!!" I kept yelling his name. I started to tear up. "Babe don't cry, I'm here for you." You were about to touch my face until I moved. "Don't touch me, after everything you have done to me, you still think you can touch me!" I yelled at you as I felt left cheek burning. I look back up at you. You slapped me as your eyes softened, in realization that you already did the damage. "Mianhae, Babe I didn't mean to do it." You apologists as you try to touch my cheek.

"Jeon Jungkook!" I heard Yoongi yell. I looked at him. I knew he was going to kill him. This is not the first time he gave that look. He did the same look when to guys were trying to touch and he beat them up badly that they were sent to the hospital. "Ani, Yoongi nan gwaenchanh-a." I said but it wasn't enough. I ran to him and hugged him to stop. "Yoongi, jungji (stop)." I can still feel his body tense as I looked up to him. He looked down and his eyes softened.

Jungkook made a run for it. I was kinda of relieved, but at the same time all the anger and sadness that I contain makes me regret my decision, on stopping Yoongi. "Baby, are you okay?" He asked me as I nodded. "Ji Hee? Where is she?" He asked as I told him that she is upstairs. I went to get her as we went downstairs I saw how ran Yoongi. "Daddy!" She said as he smiled. "My princess, how was your day?" He asked her as I smiled at the sight. But why couldn't it be Jungkook?

> Jungkook <

I saw Yoongi get off his car and go inside the house. I felt my blood boiling, as I waited for a few minutes as he came back out to get something. I grab a cloth with a strong chemical, to make people faint. As he was fighting to breath, he eventually inhaled it and black out, this must keep him out for a while. I went inside the house and heard you yell from a room. "Honey, that was quick." You were still looking down from cleaning up your dress.

I smiled as everything was going to plan until Yoongi was at the door. Why didn't it had a long effect. As I saw him coming towards me I saw you stop him. I smirked as I left, now i know you have a weak stop for me. I'll use that for my advantage.
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