Harsh Life

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Tsuna pov

My naked body sprawl on my bed my body feeling numb. Tear ran from my eye I have never felt so violated. I lay on my bed looking at the blood and cum that was on my bed. Memories of that night came. That man rape me over and over again tossing me against the wall. I was bleeding and he kept doing it again and again. He touch me again. Help me I cry but nobody did. I writhed in agony as the man kept doing it. Mom dad how could you sell me to this awful man. Everyday you kept coming home with another man and it kept getting worst what should I do. I hate them all. Mom. Dad. Die die in hell. Stop it stop please stop. Idiot meanie don't touch me. All my pride went down the drain the first time.

Then I decided to end it all holding a knife against. Help me isn't anyone going to save me I though. I waited for a few minutes and press a knife against my heart.

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