Chapter 9

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I awoke the next morning in my new bedroom to find myself already grinning and looking forward to the day ahead. 

Yesterday had been... well - to be completely honest with myself - the best day I had experienced in a long time, even before my family died! I had felt warm and safe and happy and... normal  - a word a I never thought I could use to describe myself.

Allie and I had sat in silence as we watched the sun rise in the sky and only came down from the tree at dinner time, many hours later. The silence had been welcoming but more than that, I somehow felt connected to the world in a way I had never felt before. Allie had let me face my sadness and have someone to confide in, even if I hadn't shared anything with her at the time. I knew that one day I would tell her everything and she would understand. I just knew she would. 

I sighed and closed my eyes as I relived the memories: Allie bending down as she wrote on her whiteboard, Allie's hair blowing in the wind, Allie smiling with her dimpled cheeks, Allie laughing her beautifully silent laugh... And I had to bring myself to a shuddering stop before I thought of anything else. 

What are you doing, Adrian?  I scolded myself You hardly even know the girl and now she's already the only thing you can think about? Get a grip on yourself!!! You don't have time for girls right now!!!!

I sighed and realized that my inner voice was right, I couldn't afford to have my heart broken again so soon after everything that had happened to me in the past months was beginning to heal. However, I couldn't help myself from treacherously thinking that Allie was still going to be my friend. I was too stubborn to let her be anything less than that. 

I sat up in bed and combed my hand through my hair before hurriedly getting dressed and rushing down the stairs, not even registering the fact that my alarm clock hadn't gone off yet. 

"You're up early." Mr. Higgins remarked as I stepped into the kitchen.

"Yeah. Couldn't sleep." I said lamely as I poured myself a glass of milk and sat down at the table. 

"Still thinking about... everything?" He asked uncertainly, probably trying to assess if I was going to break down crying on him this morning or not.

"Yeah... No... Well, to be truthful, I don't really know." I said vaguely as I tried to get a picture of Allie out of my head. What was wrong with me this morning???

"I see." Was all Mr. Higgins said and for a second I almost thought that he could see. That he knew what I was thinking and was secretly pleased that I wasn't thinking about my family for once. But then I realized how foolish that idea was and I took another long swig of milk, trying to clear my head.

"Well, I best be off." Mr. Higgins said at last and stood up to put his plate in the sink. 

"Will Allie be up soon?" I asked casually, hoping that he wouldn't detect the quiver of hope that had snuck into my voice. 

Looking slightly amused, Mr. Higgins smiled knowingly at me before saying "I'm sure she'll be down in a moment."

I nodded in understanding and watched as Mr. Higgins walked out the door, heading in the direction of the cow barn. As soon as he was out of sight, I let out a small sigh of relief. Like that  wasn't embarrassing or anything!!!

I stood and headed to the cereal cupboard to make my breakfast, my thoughts racing wildly in my head. I had to get a grip on my emotions before I made an even bigger fool of myself! 

After debating and finally choosing to eat Frosted Flakes over Lucky Charms, I turned and almost dropped the entire box of cereal when I saw Allie standing in the doorway, staring right at me.

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