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Thalia Lively

His forest green eyes fiercely stared into my hazel ones, causing me to avert my eyes to the side. I knew his anger was towards James but I couldn't help and feel like he was angry at me too. I didn't have enough time to question myself as to why I cared so much if he was angry at me. I shouldn't care but I feel a little disappointed in myself for angering him.

"Why were you hiding it?" His deep voice said, cutting through the silence loudly. I could see him tightening his jaw, looking like he was trying to hold back his anger as he spoke to me.

I felt compelled to answer him, mainly because he seemed so serious about this that simply shrugging it off wouldn't be okay with him. "Because it wasn't that big of a deal, it's healing now anyways. Plus what's the point of telling anyone?" I asked, genuinely wondering why he needed to know this anyway. What would he do with this new found information?

"What's the point?" He repeated, looking at me incredulously, with his eyebrows narrowed and eyes slightly squinted. "The point is that he laid his hands on you and that's not okay. You were just going to let it go? You have stitches because of him, Tahlia!" He raised his voice and I blinked, taken aback.

"What am I suppose to do about it? It happened two weeks ago." I defended myself. What was I suppose to do? I got my health taken care of and I didn't want to make this issue any more serious.

"So? You don't let things go like that, what if he was to do it again? Which he might because now he knows you won't do anything about it. He put his fucking hands on you and—" He paused and closed his eyes for a second. Without another thought, he was making his way up the stairs.

I ran after him and thankfully the guys stopped him from leaving as I made it to the living room seeing Carter in front of him, blocking his way to the door. The guys looked curious as they tried to get Nathan to tell them why he was acting so irrationally.

"What's wrong?" Riley asked me as she made it to my side, also wanting to know why Nathan looked so angry.

"He saw the stitches." I said to her, not taking my eyes off of Nathan's back. I didn't want him to go out and do any harm because of me, I wanted him to leave the subject alone.

"Go look at the back of her head." Nathan growled out to Carter who eyed me curiously.

"Why would we look at her head?" Ethan questioned randomly, raising an eyebrow at Nathan. I suddenly felt self conscious as everyone turned towards me, all of them staring me down. I felt like I committed a crime by the way Nathan was taking this situation.

Austin walked over to me and silently asked me if he was allowed to push my hair away so he could see the back of my head. I pulled my hair away for him and let him look, clenching my jaw when I heard him gasp. A couple more shocked reactions followed as I assume the rest of the boys came to see too. I turned around hesitantly and slowly brought my eyes up to meet their widened ones.

"What happened?" Emmett spoke first while the rest of the boys tried to gather their thoughts.

"James and I fought at the party and he slammed me against a wall, making my head bang against the edge of a painting." I explained, my voice feeling small. I felt worried for their reactions if it was going to be anything like Nathan's.

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