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Yes, this took forever, I'm aware. Let's skip the explanation and apologies, just read what you've been waiting for.

I'm still looking for people to shoutout, just saying!

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Thalia Lively

My vision was blurred by my breath hitting the winter cold air, creating a fog in front of my face that hid the chaos that was vastly rising in front of me. Every inch of my being was consumed in anxiety and worry as I stood numbly in the deepest corner of the parking lot, watching a scene I so desperately wanted to stop. My heart skipped what felt like ten beats as soon as my vision was cleared and my eyes started to zone back into Nathan who was the first one to throw a heavy punch.

I didn't have time to concentrate on the freezing cold air that was piercing at my skin, even going through my jeans and hitting my legs. I was a hundred percent focused on Nathan and James who were having a stare off. I watched James closely, noticing that Nathan's killer punch didn't set him off yet. I could see blood coming out of the corners of his mouth but he didn't seem to mind, instead a grin evilly made its way onto his face. Even through the darkness, I could still see the dangerous look that possessed James' eyes and I started feeling uneasy. There was something about James, I couldn't pinpoint what was setting me off by him, other than the fact that I find him insane.

"Are you sure you want to do this right now? Even in front of your girlfriend— oh wait, she doesn't mean shit to you, that part seemed to have slipped my mind." James smirked, taking a step closer to Nathan. James' backup took a step with him, each of them keeping an eye on at least one of the boys. James wiped the corners of his mouth, looking at the blood on his fingers afterwards then kissed his teeth disapprovingly. "Got me good, I'll give you that."

Without anyone seeing it coming, James swung at Nathan within seconds. Nathan caught on but it was almost too late once James just barely missed him. My breath started to speed up and I knew what the outcome was going to be once I saw the boys fly into action along with Nathan. Carter was the first one to attack when he saw one of the other guys sneakily walking to help James. My heart stopped when Nathan lunged at James, taking him down easily and started continuously punching him with no remorse. Austin appeared in front of me and roughly grabbed my elbow causing my attention to go onto him.

"Thalia, leave. You're going to get hurt one way or another, please just listen to me." He pleaded with his eyes and I didn't have time to respond since someone came up behind him and attempted to grab him but thankfully Austin was quicker.

I watched Austin get angrier by the second, eventually finding the persons pressure point and knocking them out. He successfully and skillfully did it, dropping the persons body down then looking back at me. "I won't tell you twice." He warned then ran back to help the others. It was uneven, and I could see Emmett fighting two people at once. I had two options, leave or stay. It was simple and the logical option was to leave. This wasn't any of my business, and I could get hurt. But I didn't care if I got hurt, I couldn't leave and I didn't want to. I was not about to leave and continue my night wondering about what happened.

For gods sake, there's an unconscious body laying in front of me. That could've been any of the boys and I wouldn't be able be okay with myself knowing I left and just saved myself. Their words cut deep, but this wasn't a time to put emotions first, they were getting more brutal by the second.

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