Bus Ride

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*Magical Time Skip To Trip*

The whole class were at the edge of their seats. "C'mon bell, just ring already!" Kim exclaimed. "Wow, I never thought I'd say that."

Everyone had given their papers back to Mme. Bustier. *Ring!Ring!* The class roared into cheers. Their teacher walked into the roaring room, covering her ears. "Settle down! If you want to go on this trip, we'll have to behave!" She exclaimed. The class quickly settled down, turning the room quiet as night. Almost all the faces were light with smiles. "I know you all are excited, we will be leaving in 3 minutes. Just make sure you have everything. Oh, Chloe, you won't be needing all that luggage for a week." She said, staring at the mountainous pile of suit cases.

"Ugh, fine. I'll just bring 2 suitcases. I'll call my driver to pick up the rest." Chloe huffed, taking two suitcases out of the pile.

"Mme! The bus is here!" Sabrina exclaimed, looking out the window. Outside, was a long bus. It was like a normal city bus, but a lot bigger and wider.

"Everyone, follow me!" Mme. Bustier called out, walking out the door. "But be quiet, classes are doing work." The students kept quiet, just wanting to go to the bus. They arrived at the doors of the vehicle with their suitcases in hand and a few bags around their shoulders. "Remember, you'll be sitting with the person that sits in front of you in class!"

Crap! I'll be sitting with Adrien! Marinette mentally screamed. She didn't notice that Adrien crept up behind her and that she was blushing madly.

"Um, Mme! I want to sit beside Sabrina," Chloe said.

"Fine, but only Sabrina."

"Hey, kids. Just put your luggage in the back, there should be enough room there." The driver instructed. His eyes darted through the crowd of students, stopping on the large mountain sized luggage pile beside Chloe. "Um, Miss. Bourgeois. Is that much luggage necessary?" The driver asked.

"Huh? Well yes. But Mme didn't let me take them with me so I'm calling my driver to take them back home." She said.

"The airport is about an hour away. Then the plane ride will be 17 hours. When we get on the plane, we will be seated with your group." Mme. Bustier explained. Marinette was not happy about sitting with Chloe for 18 hours.

If Chloe starts being too much of a brat, I'm jumping off the plane. Marinette mentally noted herself.

"Oh, cmon. Chloe isn't that bad." Adrien laughed. Marinette froze. Did I say that out loud? "Yeah you did. So did you say that out loud." Marinette face palmed herself, trying to reduce the embarrassment. "I'll take your bags." Adrien offered.

"Nono! It's fine I can do it." Marinette took her bags and walked to the back of the bus, Adrien following her.


Everyone was finally on the bus, seated with their partner and soon after the bus was filled with chatters. Marinette pulled out her phone and earbuds to listen to music. Adrien did the same but stopped to see Marinette's home screen. "Hey, is that me on your home screen?" Adrien asked. (I know Mari's home screen is not Adrien I just wanted to do this.) Marinette fumbled with her phone, almost dropping it on the floor.

"Pffttt nooooo!" She awkwardly smiled, hiding her phone behind her back.

"Fan?" He asked. Marinette immediately nodded her head like it was the last thing she would do. "Heh, I thought so." Marinette calmed down a few moments afterwards. She looked over, seeing that Adrien's home screen was her, well not her but Ladybug, which is technically her but it's not.

Marinette blushed, now know that he liked her alter ego.


It's been 18 minutes since they've been on the bus. Marinette stopped listening to music and started to sketch. She flipped through her sketch book. Adrien saw her movements and her sketches. "Wow, Mari." Oh my gawd did he just call me Mari?? "Those designs are ameo-- amazing!" He almost said a cat pun. Curse you cat pun instincts.

"Re-really? Thanks!" She smiled.

"Would you mind if I look through it?" Adrien asked.

"Sure!" She gave Adrien her sketch book, trying to contain her happiness. Oh my god Adrien Agreste wants to look at my designs! FRIGGIN ADRIEN AGRESTE!!

As Adrien flipped through her book, two kwamis were having a chat in their luggages. "So, Tikki, how's Marinette doing?" Plagg asked, eating his Camembert cheese.

"She doing quite well! She's extremely in love with Adrien. Oh Adrien! How I love you so much!" Tikki said, impersonating her holder. Plagg laughed, almost choking on his cheese.

"Tikki! You almost made me waist a perfectly good cheese!" He scolded her.

"Stop being so dramatic, Plagg." Tikki rolled her eyes. "Anyways, how's Adrien?"

"He's great! Though he is almost as obsessed to Ladybug as Marinette is obsessed to him. Last night I found him in Ladybug pyjamas and he played with the exclusive Ladybug yoyo." He cracked up.

"Oh my god! Really??" Tikki asked, trying to hold in a laugh but failed.

"I know right?! He's delusional!" Plagg laughed.


A/N:Sorry for the wait, hope you liked the chapter!

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